A tree of 6s - rest in peace
Six is the 'midpoint' of the tree of life. Mid way down the centre to number 10, the start of the next tree. It gives rest, a pause, refection on the past and future but no pain at all. You are in the right place - very centered. No effort, no nostaligia, no stress and no need. These are found in the 5s.
In the tarot the sixes imo mean:
Wands - a rest from action. (the race is finished, its hard at the top!);
Cups - a rest from anything emotional (free from grief, its happy acceptance and peace);
Swords - a rest from mental stresses ( imo one of the best rests we can have! No stress);
Coins - a rest from dealing with material goods or earning money (holiday yippee).
Happy holidays.