Chill with Gill

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Cold reading once again comes true.

 I wrote this a few years ago. Year on year it seems to stand the test of time.

It is a typical fortune-telling reading from people who cannot read the cards, tea leaves, crystal balls or anything else (even if they say they can).

But do please read ahead for your entertainment only ……


How did your year go? Was I right for 2017, will I be right for 2018?

I am spot on (or near enough) for this year and also be for 2018 so do keep a note.

You’ve had some emotional ups and downs in your life. Maybe you are feeling empty or so full of things that seem to block your way ahead. Things will change for the better. Patience can help here. Remember that love is always with you.

What happened – my Mother passed away. Yes that’s very emotional. I had much to do (and still to do). But things are looking up.

Expect some cheering news from friends this year. A wedding, birth or new project can bring joy and accomplishment. An offer of help from you will be much appreciated.

What happened –Yes there was a birth and my friend’s son was married. Very happy. Some projects were completed, Yup. That was an accomplishment. I did help someone and it was absolutely appreciated.

Financially, look after your cash flow and check your statements but don’t worry, any problem should sort itself out soon. Just make sure you are organized and thorough. Whilst you feel that luck is not always on your side, remember that there is always hope. If you don’t try, you cannot win.

What happened –yes numerous problems with getting figures right, I think all is now correct. I seemed to win some raffles. I have never been lucky with those. Fingers crossed for this continues luck,

I feel that your working life has been trying recently. You will need to make a choice soon. A blonde woman can advise you on how to proceed and can give you the backup you need when you want to change things.

What happened –so I am retired but there have been a number of tasks. I have had help from a lady. I am not sure if she was blonde as it was by phone.

A neighbour or close relative, someone who can be sombre in nature and who has helped you in the past will need the return of this favour over the coming months.

What happened –yes there have been exchanges of help this year,

Travel is interesting for you this year. You will experience some setbacks and it may be more expensive than you had realised but there will be much excitement and happiness forecast.

What happened –I have not been far this year but when I did go away recently, it took an awful long time to get back. But at least it was a free upgrade to first class. My other travels have certainly  been exciting. Happiness? Yes there is much love around.

Good luck and a Happy New year


And so lives on the cold reading.

But you can do much more than that,