Chill with Gill

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Illness Saves Lives

I have an old book “Many Thoughts of Many Minds” inscribed with the date 14th February 1882. Very Aquarian (font of all knowledge etc) good for a bit of bibliomancy and occasional insights. Here’s one:

Air (Vitiated – fatal to life)

“One cannot try experiments on human beings as on animals but accident and disease frequently furnish us with experiments made to our hand. What has been related of the birds is confirmed by an accident which befell two young Frenchwomen. They were in a room heated by a coke stove. One of them was suffocated, and fell senseless on the ground. The other, who was in bed, suffering from typhoid fever, resisted the poisonous influence of the atmosphere, so as to be able to scream till assistance came. They were both rescued, but the healthy girl, who had succumbed to the noxious air, was found to have paralysis of the left arm, which lasted more than six months….”

The paragraph goes on to talk about becoming accustomed to the environmental conditions and illness. The body’s functions do not require such ‘good air’ as the fit and healthy- one can survive on less.

Hence illness is life-giving and protective.

(Iam also informed to note that another example is sickle cell aneamia which saves the bearer of malaria).

Think about that next time you sneeze.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Selfish Genius

Enemies of Reason - The Irrational Health Service C4 Mon 20 Aug 2007 8pm

One of my scientific heroes, Richard Dawkins has severely let me down.
He has been exposing the ‘pseudo-sciences’ of the weirdo world as not being ‘science’. Who said they were scientific in the first place?

Totally condescending on what he calls ‘alternative medicine’ (but we know it as ‘complementary therapy’) and, in the final seconds of the show, included a derogatory remark on Astrology and clairvoyance.

As a scientist he could have approached the subject scientifically but he didn’t. He was just as irrational as his target. He carefully avoided consideration of the better known, tried and tested, therapies of Aromatherapy, Massage and Reflexology.

He obviously hasn’t read my blog (How Healing works and numerous other notes) in which I explain why the weirdo stuff falls outside of ‘reason’. Reason being limited, hence 'selfish'

As he would know, it takes all sorts to be here – variety being the spice of life. Pity his genes/memes prevent him from discovering and appreciating all the wonders of the universe.

There's always hope.

If it exists, it has a place in this world - including all boxes/science/therapy....
...there's more than one box to think outside.