A Night with the Stars BBC2 18th Dec 2011
BUT I don't like it when presenters, who have obviously never studied the esoteric arts, criticise them. A touch of Dawkinism here. (As it takes all sorts to make a world, thank you all for being you).
Additional note - yes I am qualified to criticise. Former Manager, Teacher, assessor and verifier.
He complained about "New Age woo woo" and about people with astrological signs tattooed on their bottoms. (confession - I don't have any tattoos)
What he did say during the programme more than confirmed the existence of New Age everything opposed to discrediting it.
For example, he held a diamond, warmed it and told us that as particles in it warmed, they had to move to another energy field and that no other particles in the whole universe could be in the same place - so everything was subtly moved. He continued to state that everything is connected to everything else.
Err...What has New Age 'woo woo' always claimed????
I assume that on cooling the particles would return to their place of origin - or that if something was out of balance, then a place of more balance.
Methinks that this is crystal healing or any sort of healing and would account for New Age mumbo jumbo actually working!
Would Prof Cox be interested in a course?
Do watch the programme if you can it is highly entertaining and informative in more ways than one.
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