Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Friday, August 25, 2006


Here's one way to assess your ascendant if you don't know your time of birth.
EQUIPMENT: One dowsing pendulum, one pack of playing cards or a tarot pack.
Select the 12 Court cards. Laying them out in a suitable order, dowse with your pendulum asking for a yes or no answer over each card (A client or yourself may have more than one dominant signs). You obviously need to decide what sort of swing refers to 'yes' and to 'no'.
Note that the Court card's relationship to the zodiac disregards gender.
Queen of clubs (wands) Aries
King of diamonds (coins/disks) Taurus
Jack (Knight) of spades (swords) Gemini
Queen of hearts (cups) Cancer
King of clubs (wands) Leo
Jack (Knight) of diamonds (coins) Virgo
Queen of spades (swords) Libra
King of hearts (cups) Scorpio
Jack (Knight) of clubs (wands) Sagittarius
Queen of diamonds (coins) Capricorn
King of spades (swords) Aquarius
Jack (Knight) of hearts (cups) Pisces

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Where is it not ‘AT’

I feel the future of AT is subject to many influences which are mostly negative.

While there are still accredited courses available, I feel Aromatherapists are likely to be 'legislated' out of existence in the next few years and therefore feel that providers lack ethics in continuing to run such courses for the time being.

1. We cannot claim uses of biocides from September 2006. I cannot then make a 'nit mix' for commercial sale. I can still make a preparation but how can I talk truthfully to clients? ‘This is for the well-being of your scalp’!!!!

2. In Europe there are various requirements coming along for limitation of certain chemicals in products. That affects all our citrus oils (bergaptene) and many more. Also products that contain cineole, camphor and thymol will be banned in products used by children. No more real natural products for us!

3. Additionally there are conflicts between the National Occupational Standards and actual availability of oils - Sandalwood (endangered), no grapefruit (washed away by the hurricanes in the States), no Florida orange (immigrant workers not allowed in); Jasmine ‘by enfleurage’ (no its solvent extracted these days).

It is easy for the perfume trade to accommodate the above changes; they simply use alternatives or synthetics. On the global scale, Aromatherapy is a niche market – very small and insignificant. A move away from traditional products, in the AT case, oils, will have the effect of reducing supply as demand falls away. And that which is left will become very pricey and probably illegal.

More on Sandalwood. Suppliers are happily saying they now have Austrailian Sandalwood to use instead of E. Indian. Did you know that the Australian water table is being woefully depleted owing to this? IE also unethical.
Neal's Yard is the only general supplier I have come across to state they are not using Sandalwood at all. (I suspect cost is the main factor).

Our tools are being taken away from us.

Go with nature and don’t buy the products that are not there!
Protest against legislative issues that are there not so much to protect the public but to protect the pharmaceutical industry;
Don’t waste your money on an accredited course at least for the next few years. Learn Sports massage!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Aromatherapy Oils made easy

Finding it difficult to choose the oil for the condition?
Aromatherapy oils tend to have similar effects depending on the part of the plant they came from:

Attraction = flowers
Oils from flowers can help you hold your head up high and being good for the skin, you can face the world, make friends and boost confidence.

Up-lifting = fruits and seeds
Oils from fruits or seeds are very cheering and help with eating problems.

Taking it in = leaves
Most oils from leaves can help ease coughs, colds and aid digestion.

Protection = wood
Oils from wood, bark or stems can provide protection against disease.

Grounding = roots
Too many things to do? Oils from roots can help you get back on your feet and get on with the things that matter most.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Synergy in Aromatherapy

Here's something I wrote a few years ago. Very slightly updated it now.
Synergy ~ The whole is more than the sum of the parts
The definition of synergy in relation to Aromatherapy appears elusive. The term synergy is usually used to describe a blend that offers the practitioner more than the simple addition of properties would permit. Some authors refer to the fragrance or the chemical properties but rarely apply both criteria to produce this mysterious super blend.Worwood (1990) suggests that ...
"mixing together two or more EOs[essential oils] you are creating a chemical compound that is different to any of the component parts." and that ...
" An increased potency can be achieved with synergistic blends without increasing the dosage." This appears to be the most commonly accepted description of syngergy. However, a good proportion of popular Aromatherapy books often give sample blends for various conditions E.G. ‘a relaxing synergistic blend’ . This is not truly in keeping with clinical Aromatherapy practice because, as therapists, we are trained to fit the oil and blend according to the person concerned. ‘One man’s meat being another’s poison’ so to speak.

Tisserand (1991) proposes that a minor constituent of the natural unadulterated EO may have a synergistic (controlling) effect. He quotes a translation from Dr Valnet's original text, Aromatherapie:"The natural , unadulterated essence has proved to be more active than its principal constituent....In 1904 Cuthbert Hall demonstrated that the antiseptic properties of Eucalyptus oil are much greater than those of its main constituent, eucalyptol."
He concludes that the vital life force is essential to provide this synergy. Hence EOs must be pure for any synergetic effect to result. ‘One molecule in an oil can make that difference.’ Price (1995) refers solely to the chemical mix on speaking of synergy and, like Tisserand, quotes the work of Dr Valnet. She concludes that the workings of synergy have yet to be fully determined. In relation to fragrance, a synergistic blend would contain perfume 'notes' of top, middle and bottom. A fulfilling blend indeed. However, if the client needed uplifting, the blend would likely compose middle and top notes. Similarly for a deeply relaxing blend, middle and base notes can be utilized. Whilst oils themselves can contain a range of notes, in order to call it synergistic, more than one oil needs to be blended.
Meanwhile, Maury (1990) advocates the use of IPs (individual prescriptions) and goes a stage further in implying that the resultant blend created from a (thorough) consultation matches the client 100%. It could thus be assumed that the blend and the client together create a healing synergy. A unique energy formed by the union of plants and humans in the search for balance of mind, body and spirit. (My comment: In the meantime we have ripped the plant from the soil, battered and boiled it to death. To compensate, we must thank nature and give something back for these spoils.)
To further this point, Ryman (1992) indicates that body odour alters when one is ill and cites examples such as 'scurvy smells of rotting meat.' Inferring from this that it is possible for an otherwise 'unnoticeable ' out of balance state to have its own particular odour too. Perhaps therapists unconsciously take notice of these aromas which assist an intuitive evaluation of the client’s needs.
Concerning instinctive oil selection, Lawless (1992) says : ' The precise make up of each oil not necessary for creating a good synergy; it is also a matter of getting to know the 'character' of each essential oil and trusting the intuition.'
Of course where there is synergy there can be adverse synergy. Caddy (1997) refers to the chemistry where two (or more) oils oppose each other. She calls this antagonism.

In conclusion, the term ‘synergy’ is currently applied to differing aspects of aromatherapy. I suggest that synergy only truly occurs when they are brought together. Namely these three conditions are met:
1. Only complete natural oils are used;
2. Knowledge of their respective chemical and therapeutic properties;
3. Understanding , knowledge and empathy between the therapist and the end user.
Caddy,R (1997), Essential Oils In Colour p18, Amberwood, Surrey
Lawless, J (1992), The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils p31, Element, Dorset
Maury, M, (1990), Guide to Aromatherapy p98, C W Daniel, London
Price , S,(1995), Aromatherapy Workbook,Thorsons, London
Ryman , D, (1992), The Aromatherapy Handbook p37, C W Daniel, London
Tisserand , R, (1991), The Art of Aromatherapy,p68 , CW Daniel,Somerset
Worwood,V,A, (1990), Fragrant Pharmacy,p12, Bantam Books, London
Valnet,Dr, J, (1991), The practice of Aromatherapy, C W Daniel, London,

For those interested in the subject I suggest read all these books and more. For 'free' independent information on the net - try googling cropwatch or Martin Watt's aromatherapy pages.

Signs of the Times

Further to my post on quality (and I'll probably add to or amend this again later).
This photo shows both mature fruit and all stages of blossom.
Garden of Eden stuff eh? Yet taken only a few years ago.
The 'quality' of this pix identifies the beginning and the end. A timelessness and potentials realised when only just started.

An example of how to do a reading on anything....

Friday, August 18, 2006

Done up to the nines - quality time

Apparently some of the asteroids in the asteroid belt are bigger than Pluto. And now they've decided that a few planetoids in the kuiper belt (the area from Pluto and beyond) are big enough to be classed as additional planets. Then the media hype starts up by having a go at astrologer in the same way as the 13th constellation. (Derr...Anyone knows there are more than 12).
Traditional Astrology doesn't care if there are extra bits and pieces floating around.
1. Do planets (in the astrological sense) really have an effect on us? To anyone asking that, I reply " So what if there were no Sun, no Moon, no Earth?"
2. In Traditional Astrology, only the objects we can physically see are given authority to act. The planets act without the distractions we people have. Its a kind of distillation, the essence being clearly identifiable. So we see what the planets are up to and it will give us some idea of the action of those qualities enacted here on Earth.
3. Actually, they don't really 'act', they are just are conferred with a tried and trusted quality. Everything in existence has qualities. When the universal laws of nature move those qualities, everything with that quality will be affected.
Here's an example or two:
A quality in a pure sense IE Mars deemed as the action planet. In its purest mode, Mars is virtuous, the questing knight on a vigil. But by the time this energy gets down to Earth, he can turn quite nasty (but not always) when impurities come into play.
A quality could be a colour, blue for example. This is the colour conferred to the throat chakra (expression). This area is most conveniently 'healed' by crystals that are also blue. But I suppose you could wear a blue jumper if you had a sore throat or wanting to express yourself with clarity and ease.
I must try it!

Holiday Horoscopes

Check out your ideal holiday with this Sun sign guide I wrote some years ago. This is not affected by the extra astronomical planets nor constellations nominated by publicity seeking scientists to whom I wish good luck...but I'll be taking my hols in this world.
Aries 21st March to 20th April
Forever the fearless one, you will enjoy a holiday edged with a tinge of extra excitement founded on self-reliance. Go exploring, camping and on adventure trails - anything with a taste of danger. Remember to take your first aid box and compass just in case you don't look before you leap.
Taurus 21st April to 21st May
Holidays are simply for relaxing and regaining your energy aren't they? Preferring the countryside to the hustle bustle of cities, pamper yourself at luxurious country abodes serving gourmet meals, or simply live the good life at a farmhouse. Just take care to watch your pennies and those pounds so often found around the waistline!
Gemini 22nd May to 21st June
With such a great curiosity, staying in the same place would not interest you and you may choose a two centred holiday or visit lots of places during your stay. You enjoy mobile homes, camping and touring so remember to take your journey planner, diary and mobile phone so you'll know where, when and with whom you should be.
Cancer 22nd June to 23rd July
Whether it be a castle or renting country cottage, you like to have family fun in a homely, cosy setting. Do you ever get a real break? Next time you book, check for a child care facility and, if you're self catering, ensure all mod cons so you don't have to take the kitchen sink with you.
Leo 24th July to 23rd August
There's no expense spared as you are drawn to places with lots of entertainment, grand hotels and people. No one need ask you to join in the revelry for you'll be there displaying your natural talents and your Sun tan. Leos are natural sun worshipers and must take care to avoid sunburn. Virgo 24th August to 23rd September
You tend to plan your holiday well in advance and are meticulous with your packing including the packets of tea for your self-catering holiday. Where would you be without your 'to do' list? Your interest in well being and nutrition takes you to places with a health club or those where you can learn new skills. Remember, relaxation is just as important.
Libra 24th September to 23rd October
Having a sociable temperament, you seek nothing less than total relaxation in the company of other like minded folk. Plan some trips to art galleries, beauty spots and health spas during the day and allow for some partying or clubbing at night. It is essential that wherever you stay, the beds are supremely comfortable.
Scorpio 24th October to 22nd November
With an insatiable interest in delving into matters, your enjoyments are many. Why not try pot-holing, ice skating or helping with an archaeological dig? For extra intrigue, stay at a haunted house or castle, or go for a mystery theme holiday. After all, an active night life for the Scorpio is a must but it needn't be just wine and song.
Sagittarius 23rd November to 22nd December
Have a go at bungee jumping! Whet your appetite for a taste of adventure by going horse riding or racing. Sports and action holidays spark your imagination where you really can be in the driving seat. Remember to belt up! For those who prefer to widen their intellect rather than muscles, visit places of interest such as cathedrals or monasteries.
Capricorn 23rd December to 20th January
You're not going to the same old place again are you? How about a change of scene, didn't you always fancy climbing a real mountain as opposed your personal paper mountain? How about enjoying the luxuriant surroundings of a stately home and visiting nearby famous monuments of historical interest.
Aquarius 21st January to 19th February
Ever tried hang gliding or ballooning? Well have a go if you really want to get away from it all. Otherwise, check out singles holidays if you are single, or go somewhere that has something to suit everyone, like a holiday camp or club. So, if you get stuck into the video games, at least others can find entertainment. Don't forget your camcorder.
Pisces 20th February to 20th March
Don't put your feet up, go fishing, boating, swimming, and soak up any water sport. Dancing is a favourite night theme - any type, from belly to ballet. For those wishing to escape every aspect of daily life, try a new age retreat instead of drinking away your holiday. Ask someone to tell you when its time to go home.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Astrological dating

Some mails have been going around saying Mars is going to look as big as the Moon about 25th August 2006 as it is in the sky in the same place as the Moon. Err... that was last year. No way can one physically see it at or around this date this year. With a new moon just gone, you can't even see the Moon as it is obscured by the Sun until about 27th August.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Full of Wisdom

The Elfin Diary - always a super and uplifting diary to have. Lots of thoughts and wishes like this one extracted from my 2002 diary:

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant, for they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God whatever you conceive him to be and whatever your labours and aspirations. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy

Sandalwood - paradise lost is found

Recently reported Vanuatu is the 'happiest place on Earth'.No wonder, it has the world's only sustainable Sandalwood plantation.My bags are packed and I'm going to arrange cruises from Southend.....See you there!

UPDATE:(September 2009)
Uh oh...I am reliably informed by Martin Watt that the Sandalwood plantation is not sustainable - guess I'll review my holiday plans!

Massage finesse - hook em in

So when a stressed uptight client comes in for a massage...literally take the reigns and start the treatment at a fairly fast pace. Once you have them 'hooked' begin to slow it down for that ultimate in relaxation.