Chill with Gill

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A tree of 6s - rest in peace

There seems to be some confusion about the 6s in the tarot.
Six is the 'midpoint' of the tree of life. Mid way down the centre to number 10, the start of the next tree. It gives rest, a pause, refection on the past and future but no pain at all. You are in the right place - very centered. No effort, no nostaligia, no stress and no need. These are found in the 5s.
In the tarot the sixes imo mean:
Wands - a rest from action. (the race is finished, its hard at the top!);
Cups - a rest from anything emotional (free from grief, its happy acceptance and peace);
Swords - a rest from mental stresses ( imo one of the best rests we can have! No stress);
Coins - a rest from dealing with material goods or earning money (holiday yippee).

Happy holidays.


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