Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Friday, April 12, 2024

Total Lunar Eclipse revisited

 It was a pity that many did not see Monday's eclipse due to cloudy conditions, or like myself, it was not visible in the UK.

However, back in August 1999, it was a beautiful summer's day. My children and I had a lot of fun.

The children were conducting all sorts of viewing experiments.

I was sitting on the patio doing various tarot readings;

I was making a "sun and moon flower" remedy (using the Bach flower remedey technique) with suitable herbs fresh from my garden; and

I made some magic stones using instructions from the Crone's book of magic and here they are!

The top one relates speifically to eclipses

I hope people made their own memories of these wonderful, most powerful events.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Holistic HRT and other hormonal conditions eased by the use of natural remedies.- especially Aromatherapy

Please note this is only a view expressed from an aromatherapy, holistic and herbal stance. (I wrote this in the 1990s.) Science is always changing with newer products and procedures available. Please do your reseach and definately consult your GP.

Hot flushes? Night Sweats? Moodiness? The symptoms of the menopause are too numerous to mention. All who have been through it have their own  story to tell. We are all different and HRT can affect us in varying ways - one woman's meat is another woman's poison so to speak.

Whilst Hormone Replacement Therapy can be of great benefit to some, onset of the menopause can find others considering the natural options even if their lives have been 'processed and packaged to date'. They want something more and recognise that  everything in their lives needs to accommodate the change -  not just their bodies. Indeed, if you have already been through the menopause or going through it at this moment, ask yourself  how many other areas of my life are changing too? Perhaps your children are leaving home or you've just moved or your working life is changing. Maybe you're finding that your eating and sleeping patterns are different or your energy levels fluctuate.  Passage through the transitions phases in one’s life can be eased by using a holistic approach. Just as we help our children come to terms with losing their milk teeth perhaps with the aid of the tooth fairy and a 50p coin, we can help ourselves to sail through life's other inevitable transitions.

Holism recognises that everyone is an individual with each having their own needs. One remedy will suit one woman but not another. The same remedy could help yet another with totally different symptoms. In choosing your own way to improved health and well-being, can you can really expect  a quick fix? Will the complete solution for your circumstances appear packaged on the chemist's shelf? Probably not. So what are your options and how can  you discover your personal combination to crack the code and move easily in to a new era?

The holistic approach considers not only your health and its symptoms but also how you lead your life. Covering your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature,  check to see which area or areas are out of balance before determining a course of action. Have you responded to the change physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually - or the whole lot?

Imbalances are revealed in various guises, these are some examples:

Physical - the obvious symptoms of the menopause, other health conditions, posture or 'body language' can tell you a lot about a person's inner state. Are you too tense or too laid back? Do you find your sense of security being challenged? What kinds of foods do you eat?

Mental - lack of concentration, endless worrying or attention to trivia can be revealing in that such symptoms can indicate a need to escape from the reality of ones changing life.

Emotional - how do we feel about ourselves? Over confident, under confident? How do you get on with our family and friends - distant or interfering? Are you filling any emotional gaps by over eating or denying yourself by under eating? Have life-long habits become irritating?

Spiritual - Unlike the dictionary definition, this term concerns 'inner drive'. How spontaneous, motivated and energetic are you?  Why do you do the things you do? How much or little exercise do you take?

Just a look at the above list shows how one thing can lead to another. For instance a lack of concentration or apathy (mind) could lead to being unable to care for oneself physically  and emotionally resulting in reduced energy levels (spiritual). 

We need to face up to the changes in our lives and ring out the old - ring in the new. Wherever the source of the imbalance, attention given  to all areas of your life where you consider there to be a problem will flow around to the  parts, possibly undiscovered, that really need harmonising. Here, use of  Aromatherapy can be considered  the ultimate pampering way to improved health and well-being. Consulting a qualified therapist  can lead to a complete treatment even for those deep dark problems that you have cast into the depths and recesses of your mind years ago! However, a remedy can be as simple as eliminating an item of food or taking an extra 30 minute walk every day or experiencing a shift of attitude to view your problems in a different light.

From a holistic point of view, using a  natural version of HRT can only be seen as treating part of the problem but it may be all you need. Many women find that  a combination of Aromatherapy, herbs with their oestrogenic and progesterone like qualities and  a wholesome diet with  appropriate exercise and daily  routine fits the bill.

The oestrogenic phase is equivalent to the first two weeks of your menstrual cycle. If you are not having periods, then base your dates on those of  your closest (most regular) friend's. Of course, there is one 'condition' for not having periods and that's pregnancy! So check this first if you're in any doubt as many oils are unsuitable.

Aromatherapy oils for use during the 'oestrogenic' stage of your cycle are Geranium, Cypress, Clary Sage or  Fennel.  These oils and others quoted may not always be suitable for women with other conditions, and you should first  consult the specialist at the point of sale.

Liquorice, which you may know as 'Spanish Wood',  is a plant source of oestrogen and can be obtained from herbalists either as the chewable wood or in herbal teas and tablets. 

Lack of oestrogen can lead to osteoporosis or  heart disease. If you consider yourself prone to either of these conditions, the chances of being affected by them  may be reduced by taking adequate and regular exercise. Change your dietary pattern  by cutting out or reducing meats and processed items from your menu replacing them instead with leafy green vegetables for extra calcium, oily fish for vitamin D  and edible 'oestrogenic' supplements in the form of Soya beans and alfalfa sprouts. Raw bran is said to inhibit absorption of calcium, so this should be avoided.

The second half of the cycle can be mimicked by progesterone-like herbs taken either as teas or tablets. These are the Chaste tree known as Vitex Agnus Castus and the appropriately named Ladies Mantle and you could try Lime Blossom or Chamomile tea to ease away emotional ups and downs. Aromatherapy oils do not have progesteronic qualities but stress relieving gentle oils such as Lavender and Ylang Ylang for balanced moods, palpitations and less chaos in one's life; Chamomile to reduce hot flushes and anger and Neroli, a beautiful oil from Orange Blossom can allay fears. All these oils are easily used in baths or massage.

A touch of luxury (only use carcinogenic free type)

Use of Rose, one of the most luxurious oils can not only make one feel good but has also been used to help  ease heavy bleeding (Menorrhagia) along with other hormone balancing oils such as  Geranium and Cypress in baths or for massage. Here, whilst Aromatherapy can offer great support, you should always seek  medical advice.

Frankincense is worth its weight in gold when it comes to dispensing with past conditions and makes a lovely blend with Rose. For those who anticipate and concern themselves with the future, try Frankincense and Neroli a true blend for New Year’s eve.


Other hormonal natural remedies:

Thyroid - Garlic and onions

Adrenal cortex stimulants (stress busters) Geranium, Pine and Rosemary

Lowers blood sugar - Eucalyptus, Juniper, Geranium

Impotence or Frigidity - Jasmine, Rose (carcinogenic free type), Neroli

Galactagogues (stimulates milk production) - Fennel

Parturient  (eases birth ) - Jasmine and Lavender


           Days 1 - 14   Fennel, Cypress, Clary Sage and Geranium

           Days 15 - 28 Chamomile, Lavender & other relaxing oils

Menstrual regulator - Rose (carcinogenic free type)

Prostate problems: Use anti-inflammatory oils, anti-infectious and immunostimulants. Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Juniper. Tea-tree every few hours during an acute attack.

Useful herbs for male reproductive system are: Yarrow and Saw Palmetto taken as an infusion. Garlic is a good addition.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Ghost Ball in Action

Ghost ball lays dormant until New Year’s Eve Illumination

After my paranormal ghost hunt at Dudley Castle where I was very impressed with the ghost ball activity, I bought my own.

I placed it in an area where no normal vibration would set it off. Indeed not even the phone ringing etc activated it nor family and friends moving around in the room. Only a very hard slap on the cabinet top (ouch) worked.

Since early December it did nothing until:

31st December when it went off twice consecutively I the evening.

New Year’s day it illuminated three times consecutively in the evening.

No action on the 2nd but once on the 3rd January and on the 4th, twice at different times in the afternoon and evening.

No action since then.

Strangely, these dates correspond with my Dad in 2012/13

31st Dec – his 93rd birthday,

1st Jan – his death day.

3rd Jan - he psychically contacted me by pulling on my hair several times after I’d gone to bed. At that point I knew he had passed. (I had seen him just before that Christmas and he looked, let’s say, near the end.)

4th Jan – It wasn’t until the 4th that “the phone call” came to tell me of his passing.


So, who’s next?


Friday, December 22, 2023

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn Out of the Shadows – but when?

 My friend frequently talks about Mercury “still being in its shadow” . What does that mean?

Mercury goes retrograde (an apparent backward motion) some four times a year. These periods are when things concerning communications of any sort can go wrong, mislaid, confusing or at best reviewed. Its shadow is the period when, after it has turned direct (so things should get better), it has yet to return to the degree of the zodiac where it first went retrograde. At that point, life should normalise.

This feature is always noted in the fabulous Astromoon Diary.  

( )

I decided to also look at Jupiter and Saturn who are currently or recently been retrograde and causing many people problems – especially if your Sun or Ascendant in your natal chart is Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn or Aquarius.

Although I feel more sorry for those affected by Mercury – Gemini and Virgo influenced people. Perhaps they get used to it.

When it is all going to change? Approximate dates are used as I have discovered that my ephemeris occasionally differs from my computer program!


Date Retrograde

Date Direct

Out of the Shadow


13th Dec 23

2nd Jan 24

21st Jan 24


7th Sept 23

31st dec 23

23rd Mar 24


17th June 23

4th Nov 23

8th Feb 24


Better times are indicated ahead.

Season’s Greetings.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A cold reading review for 2023 and everyone's reading for 2024


This is a cold reading – well it is winter brrr!

It’s rather cold and damp this year


I wrote this a few years ago. Year on year it seems to stand the test of time.

It is a typical fortune-telling reading from people who cannot read the cards, tea leaves, crystal balls or anything else (even if they say they can).

 But do please read ahead for your entertainment only ……


How did your year go? Was I right?


You’ve had some emotional ups and downs in your life. Maybe you are feeling empty or so full of things that seem to block your way ahead. Things will change for the better. Patience can help here. Remember that love is always with you.


Yes, tell me about it – I am grateful for my insight and advice to be patient. I think it is happening! OH NO NOT ANOHER YEAR OF THIS! No change here once again


Expect some cheering news from friends this year. A wedding, birth or new project can bring joy and accomplishment. An offer of help from you will be much appreciated.


Yes, my youngest daughter and her fiance became homeowners at last. That’s great but as far as friwnds go, the only help I can give is to be an “agony Aunt” this year as some personal issues spoil the enjoyment.


Financially, look after your cash flow and check your statements but don’t worry, any problem should sort itself out soon. Just make sure you are organized and thorough. Whilst you feel that luck is not always on your side, remember that there is always hope. If you don’t try, you cannot win.


Yes, yet again. I am always thorough  but accidently paid someone in error this year by pressing the wrong button. Arggh! I am expecting a refund. A few prizes here and there. Yeah.


 I feel that your working life has been trying recently. You will need to make a choice soon. A blonde woman can advise you on how to proceed and can give you the backup you need when you want to change things.


Only referring to some of my writings as I am retired but it is all true. Serendipity was at work when I met a lady who can help. I have her number and may ask for help early  next year.


neighbour or close relative, someone who can be somber in nature and who has helped you in the past will need the return of this favour over the coming months.


Swings and round a bouts with this one. We help each other. This year's Christmas present should help him a lot.


Travel is interesting for you this year. You will experience some setbacks and it may be more expensive than you had realised but there will be much excitement and happiness forecast.


Yes, read my previous post about the ghost hunt at Dudley Castle. The setback was: I became ill and was in hospital for a few days, I am better now thank you.


Good luck and a Happy New year


Well I give myself 10 out of 10

What's your score?

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Paranormal Ghost Hunt – Dudley Castle 20th October 2023

Set in the West Midlands UK lays the old ruins of Dudley Castle which is oddly also part of Dudley Zoo.

It was cold, It was dark and it was raining a heavy drizzle


The white streaks come from the flash light shining on  rain - not ghosts...not yet!

The cobbled stones leading up to the Castle entrance shone in the torch light as we carefully slid up the slope, through the courtyard to the entrance hall.

Paranormal Eye UK gave us  wonderful greeting.

What a super friendly and helpful team. Who were also hot on health and safety - so a big tick there.

We played with the pendulums (although I had my own) and checked out the ghost sensing gear they had brought.

 I found it odd that it was advertised as a Ghost Hunt, during our time there, only spirits were mentioned. Are they the same thing?

 We were split into groups, our first experience was in a room with a centre piece  model of the original castle under perspex. Considering the stone floor, everything was very solid.

 Spirit action sensors were placed around the room, some on the perspex top.

The tipping table was used. This was a small picnic trestle table – not the sort with a tiny base.

It moved in a shunting fashion about four times.

Whilst this was happening I felt swamped by small spirit children (about 4-6 years). Maybe I had the Grandma aura about me! They were dressed in 1920s to 1950s clothes. So I wondered if they were present due to Spanish flu epidemic or the wars.

Wow  - the illuminating  cat toy on the perspex whizzed around at least six times. the circles being approx. 8 inches in diameter. Very dramatic. Before flying off and captured by one of the team. I think the children were having fun.

 Walking through the courtyard to the next room, there was a strange sound. One of the group thought it was a spirit voice but actually, and considering the smell, it must have been a big cat from the adjacent Zoo.

We moved on to a very stuffy large room. Rain water glistened as it ran down the interior of the stone walls. These were overlayed by screens of the Castle’s history  - suitably Halloween themed of course. 

Some of our group, including my friend, went outside to stand on the ramp where ghostly shadows had been seen.

The rest of us conducted a séance. Here, I had a lot of imagery:

A young girl about 8 years old dressed in a simple linen dress running through fields; another member saw an older girl also in linen dress.

A large timber at an angle floor to ceiling. Hey - this report was "dismissed" but didn’t they repurpose old ships timbers? I reckon this must have been for a ceiling repair; and finally

A TV screen sized image of sand and to side there were flowing drapes in red and blue (or possibly green) – something to do with the crusades perhaps? 

One member had an app which started speaking: Stella (a name or star alignment?) Death; and three other names: One of whom I recognised as being my friend’s  daughter.

 The other half of the group returned at this point. This app named all the three names  relating to my friend. After a phone call, yes the very elderly lady was in hospital close to passing.

 Whilst I am not a fan of apps- I don’t need them, this one seemed to work. Here’s a couple of Microsoft apps if you feel the need:


In the third area we tried the Ouija board but nothing came through, nor with their simpler yes/no board.

 I think the spirits had been busy enough! And my friend always seems to get something personal to take with her which is great.

 My thanks go to the Paranormal Eye UK team whom I thoroughly recommend.

 And I must get some illuminating cat toys.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Saturn, The Lord of Thresholds now unlocked

William Morris said: 

'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful".

So I kept my beautiful back door for many years despite is not being useful. It let the rain and cold in. Refused to shut nor lock easily.
Basically it was not doing its Saturnian thing in keeping the threshold secure.

My threshold was finally reached when the problems became more intense.
So it is now replaced by both a beautiful and functional door.

I see you.....

Now all I have to do is locate my terracotta wine cooler which matched the rest of my county style kitchen ornaments. It went missing when I took it with me filled with Mother's day flowers on a stay over last year.
I suppose I will have to wait until Saturn goes direct again.

My Sons will be recycling every part of the old door, So I am expecting to see some of it when I next visit.