Chill with Gill

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Out of the Body Experience 2 - A very Strange Affair

 This was my second "wakeful" OBE experience.

In the late 1980s I was promoted to a new job. The boss said the best way to get to know the products I didn't already know was to do a talk about them.

When? - In three weeks

Where? - Rotterdam

Which airport? - None, you're going by boat.

So with cue cards and OHPs prepared, I took the train form Liverpool St Station (London) to Harwich, boarded the ferry to Antwerp (other passengers being sick, I wasn't 😀) , boarded a coach (now that makes ne feel sick😒) to Rotterdam and checked into the hotel.

This was a two day conference with an Assocation who collate scientific information - all very technical.

This was my first talk to such highly esteemed people, so I was quite - no very  nervous. 

I was on first. Guess what? The OHP wasn't working, I had to do my talk without any props.

I started but soon found that I was looking down at myself and the cue cards. My words sounded muffled. I thought: Well, I'm still managing to do my talk despite such peculiar circumstance.

Stage fright or not, this was Definately an OBE. 

On finishing, I joined the audience and sat down still shaking but with a sense of relief.

Day two and they managed to get the OHP working.

Just my luck, they asked me to repeat the talk! This went smoothly with no OBE.

I made several friends whilst there. On returning home one of the members kindly carried my case for me as far as my station.

His name - Dr Strange.


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