Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Saturday, June 21, 2008

So Long Solstice

According to my Elfin diary this is one of those rare occurrences when the Sun enters a new sign (Cancer in this case) exactly at midnight (GMT). Both the sunrise and sunsets yesterday and today are the same length. (but I haven't looked at the micro seconds). So there could be some debate as to which day to celebrate the Solstice. Both days seem OK to me.
But on Monday 23rd June, it's midsummer midnight look under the Solomon Seal flowers to spot the fairy dance. They don't' have a 'when to party' problem.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Back Reading Again

In the previous post, I said I could read the backs of cards. So here's an attempt to read the spread! It's going to be on no particular person or thing, purely academic.I have the advantage of the cards not all being the same - because I drew them. The principles however are the here goes:

Card number 2 is lower than making a direct cross, this can mean that person you are reading has more control over matters than they think. However cards 1 and 2 are smaller than the rest therefore perhaps limited control only over their personal area - not other people/events.
Card number 6 long but tapering off with the number high on the back of it. This is very recent past as the number is near the top but it is long and so the events are /were quite major and still linger on (or so the person thinks).
Looking at card number 4. This is proportionately large and so has a major impact. Other people/or just one person has done something quite profound. This may be ratified by the centre hub - needing that self control and sustenance.
Card number 3 appears quite wholesome and so the future is looking brighter and more settled. At least for others. Possibly with the settling influence of the centre cross and card 8 - the environment.

Now compare cards 5 (best possible outcome) with card 9 (hopes and fears) what a difference! I would suggest that card 9 as it is much bigger/longer and a bit wobbly means that the person has a better perspective (anticipated outcome - again more solid) than the big hopes or worries they may have. - IE don't hope for too much and don't worry so much either.
Onto card 10 which is again fairly solid looking but with a few twists and turns (that don;t look too bad) expect pleasant surprises.

Card number 7 - attitude to the read...a bit big and zany!