Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Raking it in with Reiki

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­I have noticed that some Reiki Masters offer additional attunements.

This is really odd because once attuned, you are always attuned. It’s just like an elephant riding a bike, you never forget.

What are attunements anyway?

They are a ritual and like every other ritual confers some psychological benefit in that belief becomes less of a belief and more of a reality. In other words, confidence to use the power you always had anyway.

This is a rite of passage.

Although not Reiki, some great figures have been through similar rituals:

Dumbo and his magic feather
The Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and Tin Man

They achieved and you can too.

Once is enough!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Therapy Associations Associations

Has any noticed that complementary therapy associations are just like the therapies they represent?

Crystal healing - clear cut, small and compact. Good structure and organisation. Unable to change easily, only drastically.

Reflexology - They have their feet on the ground and progress in a determined way. They are able to change direction but only with good reason. Every thing is quite thorough and solid. Well grounded but sometimes dig their heals in so can be quite stubborn.

Reiki - Very flexible to the whim and will of others but with only helpful intentions. Letting other therapies take the lead, they do not need to re-invent the wheel and are open to using work accomplished by othet therapies - with appropriate credit.

Aromatherapy - Wafting in and out, entirely changeable over even short periods of time. Everthing is beautiful but also can be poison in disguise if not checked regularly.

Does anyone have ideas on the multi-therapy organisations? I'd like to know.

A New Year Reading for Everyone

Doing a reading from someone and stuck for words?

Try this…It’s your year ahead….

You’ve had some emotional ups and downs in your life. Maybe you are feeling empty. Things will change soon for the better. Patience can help here. Remember that love is always with you.

Expect some cheering news from friends this year, a wedding, birth or new project can bring joy and accomplishment. An offer of help from you will be much appreciated.
Financially, look after your cash flow and check your statements but don’t worry, any problem should sort itself out soon. Just make sure you are organised and thorough. Whilst you feel that luck is not always on your side, remember that there is always hope. If you don’t try you cannot win.
I feel that your working life has been trying recently. You will need to make a choice soon. A blonde woman can advise you on how to proceed and can give you the back up you need when you want to change things.
A neighbour or close relative, someone who is sombre in nature and who has helped you in the past will need the return of this favour over the coming months.
Travel is interesting for you this year. Whilst you will experience some set backs and it maybe more expensive than you had realised, there will be much excitement and happiness forecast.

This is an example of how not to do a reading or I could be completely wrong - let me know how right I am!!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

24/7 new clairvoyance

So you have noticed that all the days are becoming the same ever since Sunday trading became acceptable. That goes for the seasons too. It's Christmas all year round, every day's a holiday!

Were losing the power to enjoy the moment, the changing seasons and even night and day.
The solstice is soon (22/12/06 - just), give greetings to the new beginnings after the darkness. Savour the foods of the season, they are in tune with nature and hence yourself.

I expect we are all becoming much more clairvoyant than previously. Clairvoyance sees past, present and future all in one moment.

Here we are, it's arrived. But does it help the Earth and humans or are we all in a daze noticing nothing to give thanks for?

Please comment.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Princess and the poor Pa and Ma

Arggh monster children ....of all ages. Princesses or Pages, they behave the same and so easy to recognise. I needn't say much but here we go...

Princess (Page) of Wands: Wonderful, exciting, funny, yelling with happiness or stomping feet, throwing a tantrum and chucking things around. Advice: Keep out the way.

Princess (Page) of Swords: A clever clogs who shows off her abilities. Chatterbox, liar, show off and at worst suffers from delusions. Advice: Seek counselling.

Princess (Page) of Cups: Your best friend who offers a shoulder to cry on or keeps needing your shoulder to cry on. Advice: Buy tissues.

Princess (Page) of Disks: Every thing you always wanted ... she's here. She's also very stubborn. Advice: Love her to bits and humour her.

Knighty Knight

Don't we all have good nights and bad nights...these are the same, let me explain.....

Unlike the Kings, they are all on horseback - they move about a bit. The fire and swords knights be the fastest followed by the cups and slow...v. e. r. y s. l. o. w is the knight of pentacles (or discs).

Knight of Wands - fire of fire. Hot stuff if you can catch him... one of your old flames perhaps? He will never learn from his mistakes. So idealistic just like Don Quixote - far too busy chasing windmills must chase more and more and more.

He heroically rescues the princess from the tower by climbing up the stone walls..opps forgot health and safety harness and crashes to the ground.

Knight of Swords - air of fire. This one can dash in and dash out of your life. He can come up with some good ideas - a new perspective or things you hadn't thought of ... but also a great deal of bullshit. Arthur Daly - second hand car salesman.

He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by shouting his ideas for her escape. Do you agree with his plans?

Knight of Cups - water of fire. Oh blimey - every girl's dream. He will capture your heart and soul to the point of highest obsession, leaves and comes back whenever he chooses. Bast**td. You can beware but you cannot resist. Will Young

He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by first singing a romantic ballade. He remembers his other date(s) and says he will be back later..err when???

Knight of Disks - earth of fire. Slowcoach, thorough, detailed, reluctant. But as he is so slow - not too hard to catch. Hope he's worth it! The taxman!

He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by taking his time building a ladder. Of course he has to wait for the trees to grow to supply the wood. At last...finally our damsel in distress is rescued. Or is she? He has made the staircase so good, he decides to stay in the tower with her.