Chill with Gill

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Out of the Body Experience 1

Whilst I have had plenty of vivid dreams taking me here and there on the astral plane, I have only had two daytime "out of the body" experiences.

 I was in my early 20s or late teens when I dislocated my jaw on the left side whist eating a disgusting slimming roll with cheese. What a horrible "crunch". πŸ’€

There followed a number of treatments including removal of my wisdom teeth, heat treatment and oiling the joints. None of these worked.

Finally, the hospital were going to remove a piece of bone from the joint (TM joint).

Imagine a old London hospital in the 1970s. Tall ceilings, metal single glazed windows, jaded white tiled walls.

I was operated in a large room with a solitary "dentist" chair near the window. There were four doctors or assistants in white coats performing the operation.

I was given a general anasthetic - knocked out.

During this time, I found myself floating high up near the ceiling, watching the proceedings.

On waking up I laughed and the doctors wondered what or why I was laughing. I did not say....

It worked and my jaw is fine, albeit creaky at times.

These days, everytime I sit in a dentist/hospital chair, I prefer sending my self to a tropical island.🌴🌴🌴

My second experience is a very strange affair.


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