Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A reason why not to be a tarot reading junkie

A friend of mine used to go to a psychic every week. She had a regular appointment every Friday morning. One week, the psychic scared her...he couldn't see anything past Tuesday. Not a thing.

She was so frightened she took to her bed and didn't open the front door.
Tuesday arrived, she was so fed up, she cautiously stepped into her front garden. All was OKay.

By Tuesday afternoon she gained enough courage to cross the road to the corner shop to buy a paper.

Uh oh... local paper headlines:

Local Clairvoyant passes away will be sorely missed by all his clients.

Reasons Why I don't use Sandalwood

1. The tree is an endangered species: There was no Sandalwood oil production in India last year.
2. This means that any oil you can afford to buy is not Sandalwood as we know it. So:
3. It is fake, pirated or adulterated; or
4. Oil from a plant with the same name but we don't know it's properties and I wouldn't like to find out the hard way.

I do not understand why it still appears in the National Occupational Standards nor on supplier's lists unless it is as noted in items 3 and 4. Neal's Yards have at least made a statement that they are ceasing to use it and give item 1 as a reason when I guess their main reason is its now far too pricey for putting in FMCGs.

I stopped using it in massage about 10 years ago and only later for the reasons stated above. Why? The aphrodisiac effect it had on my male clients...Enough said.

Friday, May 26, 2006

More Ghostly dancing - get stoned to see them

Oh..the picture's supposed to be sound waves... and nothing to do with the above post on the effects of Sandalwood...

Another programme (again probably Horizon BBC) depicted structures like Stonehenge and other stone Druid burial mounds as being sound resonators. No need for the woofers and tweeters here, the architecture was the ampilfier.
They told the tale that the ancients would have celebrations at certain times of year. OK. And within these cave like buildings, they would drum and drum and meet their ancestors long time buried.
They also showed that sound can make dust move in the fashion of sound waves. Something that I was reminded of at a recent AOR seminar.
But they failed to make the connection between seeing their dear departed and the dust and smoke reacting to the sound waves.....must be ghosts why not?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Complementary Therapy Debate

So on the news yesterday it was reported that complementary therapy was not seen by the NHS as viable.
Why then has anyone bothered over the last decade to write National Occupational Standards and publish them on the skills for health Governmental website alongside all the nursing criteria?
History always repeats itself. In the 17th century the medical profession was protectionist and caused no amount of trouble to doctors who wanted to allow the lay people the knowledge to help themselves.
Why? Money. And did you know the Learn Direct (another Government intitiative) states that Aromatherapists and Reflexologists can earn about £30k ... arggh I think they forgot the decimal point).
Here we go again, the cycle of life goes on....
Can't wait for the return of the 1960s when the relative freedom in the UK provided for the growth of Aromatherapy. (AT may have been born in France but it developed here).

Victor Meldrew strike saved by the Pope

Or why you shouldn't do readings on yourself.
So having written about these two cards, they came up in the centre of a self-reading. Oh dear, what would befall me over the week?

Well nearly road kill twice in the same 7 days.
I couldn't do anything about cars skidding to a halt from the other lane right in front of me. (Most definitely the Tower)
My only thought as the adrenaline rushed through and I was able to miss them, was 'there but for the grace of God go I.' (Pope in the protective guise).
The 'Pope' in a reading would normally indicate a public celebration - weddings, christening all things we do in some form or other...The natural world. But this has given me more thoughts on the Pope card: so if and when it turns up, I will think that it will be a time for giving thanks for our many blessings.
In my reading the end result was the 2 of cups - seeking comfort. I probably had more than 2 cups of comfort on those nights!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ylang Ylang...ding dong!

Cananga Odorata, Ylang Ylang, the perfume tree: is not only known for its uses in perfumery, hair care, petalling the beds of newly weds but also the oil's healing properties for conditions such as tachy cardia (dicky ticker), hyper ventilation (breathing too quickly) in fact anything too rapid!

Ah ha... so I suggest to my students, just think of the name: ylang the tick tock tick tock tick tock of a pendulum clock...very regulating and rhythmic (so that's why its good for newly weds). Try burning some if your life is chaos...some students report good results...must burn some myself.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Totally PEE c

A few years ago I was teaching anatomy and physiology to a group of students eagerly studying for their exams. The lecture that week was about the GNU. I described urine and that the act of passing water (well it is 98% water) was called micturition. A wry smile came over one of the lad's faces. Yes, he was going to easily remember this one....

He exclaimed:

" So taking the mic is nothing to do with the Irish!". We will all remember that one.

Come to think of it, that's half of what this site is about....

Monday, May 01, 2006

An eye for an eye

Some years ago I was talking with a healer, he told me a great story: That in the past, cyclops roamed the Earth. He had a vision that they were humanoid. Fantastic! What rubbish, where could he have got that story from? Then I thought about it. I had just read some of Blavatsky's work and a book about the Rosacrucians. All good stuff about the soul of the world, the Anima. Spiritual beings do not need eyes per se. They 'see' and witness through their essence. No cellular structures needed. Had he been a victim of 'chinese whispers'? Was he talking about clairvoyance or angelic manifestations? Or a glimpse into the future - futurama perhaps. The rumour has to start from somewhere.

Clairvoyance needs no anatomical eyes, you just see in your mind's eye. It's a kind of TV with your eyes closed (or open doesn't matter you just don't need to look).
Then think again, every cell in your body is light sensitive. Just evolution made eyes a speciality feature in our heads. Our evolution needed 2 for best results. Maybe human's clairvoyance ability is a vestigial survival skill that some of us can use better than others.