Chill with Gill

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ylang Ylang...ding dong!

Cananga Odorata, Ylang Ylang, the perfume tree: is not only known for its uses in perfumery, hair care, petalling the beds of newly weds but also the oil's healing properties for conditions such as tachy cardia (dicky ticker), hyper ventilation (breathing too quickly) in fact anything too rapid!

Ah ha... so I suggest to my students, just think of the name: ylang the tick tock tick tock tick tock of a pendulum clock...very regulating and rhythmic (so that's why its good for newly weds). Try burning some if your life is chaos...some students report good results...must burn some myself.


  • At 11:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    But remember, oils will only work if you like the smell, and Ylang Ylang to me is a total turn off sorry but pooooooo!


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