Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Victor Meldrew strike saved by the Pope

Or why you shouldn't do readings on yourself.
So having written about these two cards, they came up in the centre of a self-reading. Oh dear, what would befall me over the week?

Well nearly road kill twice in the same 7 days.
I couldn't do anything about cars skidding to a halt from the other lane right in front of me. (Most definitely the Tower)
My only thought as the adrenaline rushed through and I was able to miss them, was 'there but for the grace of God go I.' (Pope in the protective guise).
The 'Pope' in a reading would normally indicate a public celebration - weddings, christening all things we do in some form or other...The natural world. But this has given me more thoughts on the Pope card: so if and when it turns up, I will think that it will be a time for giving thanks for our many blessings.
In my reading the end result was the 2 of cups - seeking comfort. I probably had more than 2 cups of comfort on those nights!


  • At 11:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've only ever tried to read my own cards a couple of times and it comes out as total gobble de gook so i don't bother, I don't even like doing my friends as i feel that you know to much about them for it to be a good reading!


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