Chill with Gill

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Ghost Ball in Action

Ghost ball lays dormant until New Year’s Eve Illumination

After my paranormal ghost hunt at Dudley Castle where I was very impressed with the ghost ball activity, I bought my own.

I placed it in an area where no normal vibration would set it off. Indeed not even the phone ringing etc activated it nor family and friends moving around in the room. Only a very hard slap on the cabinet top (ouch) worked.

Since early December it did nothing until:

31st December when it went off twice consecutively I the evening.

New Year’s day it illuminated three times consecutively in the evening.

No action on the 2nd but once on the 3rd January and on the 4th, twice at different times in the afternoon and evening.

No action since then.

Strangely, these dates correspond with my Dad in 2012/13

31st Dec – his 93rd birthday,

1st Jan – his death day.

3rd Jan - he psychically contacted me by pulling on my hair several times after I’d gone to bed. At that point I knew he had passed. (I had seen him just before that Christmas and he looked, let’s say, near the end.)

4th Jan – It wasn’t until the 4th that “the phone call” came to tell me of his passing.


So, who’s next?



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