Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Och Aye – The Astrological Haggis

It was Burns night - the 25th January and many years ago. Transiting Sun was conjunct my natal Venus.

I worked in a London office and, as it was near Smithfield meat market, I was “charged with getting the celebratory Haggis for the evening meal.

No such luck. All the staff had been “locked in” due to a storm blowing bits off buildings etc. The storm subsided and it was deemed safe for us to go home. It was too late to get to the butchers, they were closed. Arggh!

I sadly got on my London underground train. One stop later and someone I knew slightly came into the same carriage. I think he had already been out celebrating! He was only travelling one stop. That takes about 5 minutes. I briefly told him of my lack of Haggis status.

Oh what joy! He had two and gave me one of them.

What are the chances?

PhD Maths people – please advise.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Playing Tarot Pairs Major Style

I thought I would attempt to pair up the Majors and see if there are similarities. I started thinking that the first half could match with the second but this is what happened:

Fool goes with Hanged Man
Magician Chariot

High priestess Sun

Empress Strength

Emperor Temperance

Pope Star

Lovers Devil

Hermit Moon

Wheel of Fortune World

Justice Judgment

Death Tower

 Can anyone think why?
Is this a sign of a new order in the universe? The New Age?

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Reiki in 3D for 2014

Happy New Year
To me Rei is what we used to do in Judo IE bow;
Ki is the universal energy.

So in Reiki, we bow or show deference to the universal energy.

The main symbol R2s and above is

Cho Ku Ray. This version is counter-clockwise and brings energy down to Earth.

Seems to link in nicely with Earth energy spirals!
Try working with the symbol in 3D. Here's my pathetic effort to demonstrate...

I suppose you can try it out on the other symbols!

PS - no secrets in the New Age!