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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Magic in a Bottle

So recently debunked homoeopathy is now described as magic as it has no bearing on reality.
Have the Royal family been conned all these years?

OK, scientists can find no rationale for homoeopathy and the like - Bach Flower remedies to work.

So what. Isn't this what psychoneuroimmunology all about? The power of the mind acting on the physical.

This remedy is supposed to treat like with like after being 'prooved' using blind testing methods.

In alchemical terms, treating like with like was only used when the disorder was in the 4th degree (serious) when it would 'flip' the condition over. Yin to yang or vice versa. The 1st degree (mild) used the opposite. For example: treat a mild fever (1st) with the opposite - cold, treat a serious fever (4th) with more heat.

I confess that homoeopathy has never worked for me but then I'm sceptical or never had a condition in the 4th degree.

Totally Locally

It is interesting that the big supermarkets are trying to go greener and that food miles are now finally being mentioned on popular TV.
Some years ago I put in a comment form to Sainsburys that I wouldn't shop there any more but I would go to a store or special section that only had local produce. I called it 'Totally Locally'.
They take their time don't they?

Not only does local produce save big fuel bills and pollution, food that is grown locally has had to put up with the same conditions as its human inhabitants and there has an innate geographical immunity and resistance that can only benefit consumers.
Just like aromatherapy oils in fact.
Climate change may yet bring more citrus products to our doorsteps.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Aromatherapists Sun Sign Guide

A Therapist's Sun-Sign Guide to Couch Clients, Aromatherapy, Complementary Therapies and Your Own Star Potential
INTRODUCTION In the history of medicine, many of the famous names we hear of were also astrologers, Hippocrates and Culpepper are just two of them. Indeed, they rarely did anything about a patient without first consulting the person's birth chart and other planetary trends to obtain a complete diagnosis of the course of the illness. Today, however, it is seen as unethical to diagnose a person's health by astrology, nevertheless, it does not 'hurt' and can help to know one's own 'Star Potential' as a therapist and find out why, if you find that life is not going according to plan, how to remedy it.
Have you wondered why so many clients have apparently unrelated ailments that seem to go hand in hand with each other? For example, why are people with skin conditions also prone to heart and circulatory problems, or those suffering from lumber or kidney ailments also complain of headaches? Astrology cannot actually answer the question 'why' (and I don't know what would) but it provides an answer by acknowledging the rulerships of the zodiacal signs. As the universe is made up of the 'four' elements (energies) so are we and all the tools of our trade. We are all unique and Astrology charts can show us how we differ from the "stereotype" who can never exist in reality. We are all perfect in our own imperfect way just as our cells in our body have the same basic components but are specialised to perform their role in life. We need to recognise that the 'faults' we see in others are normal and even useful to them if not ourselves by providing the duality needed for any comparison. Like the essential oils we use, variety is the spice of life. All one needs to start applying astrology to healing is the person's date of birth to find their Sun sign. However this is a rather general approach as a person can more strongly display characteristics of their Moon sign or more usually the Ascendant (their rising sign) or even those of a particularly strongly placed planet in their birth chart. So a Taurean, for example, could well be prone to afflictions noted for any one or more of the other eleven Sun signs. I often suggest to astrological clients in respect to newpaper astrology that they may as well "pick the best one for the day". Nevertheless, what follows is a simple guide to the twelve Sun signs, the basic character types used in Astrology.
On reading them, you may find that you identify with one or two of them (not necessarily that of your Sun sign as noted above - You can pick the best one too!) and that your clients fit in with one or more of these descriptions also.
To help you find your 'Star Potential', I have suggested the best ways in which you can work to minimise the weaknesses and maximise strengths for both yourself and your clients. Additionally, for your clients, I have noted some treatments and ways of helping them to fit in with their basic natures which cannot be changed.
All far to complex. Is it all bunk? I was going to tabulate oils assigning ruling planets or signs of the zodiac in much the way Culpepper did with plants but the more references I studied, the more inconsistencies I uncovered. (Same as oil properties - depends which book you read). It seems quite apparent that the more times something is written down (right or wrong), the more likely it becomes thought of as fact. Indeed this phenomena forms the basis of western astrology - a thought form with little to do with astronomy (but it works) and I have no intention in the New Age to re-invent the wheel - a structured product of the age just gone. Two examples of mis-nomas are that of the Sun's rulership of Chamomile. Culpepper pointed out that the Egyptians were 'Apes' to have assigned the Sun to this plant. He left its rulership unsaid because it is so apparent that it is Moon ruled. Secondly, Rosemary is said to be Sun ruled but as the oil (not necessarily the herb) is a cephalic, its rulership is more akin to Mercury than the Sun.
Assigning the oils to planets does not work.
Oils are complex and perhaps after much analysis, they could be ascribed to planetary aspects IE interactions between more than one planet in sign and house but I cannot see any useful purpose in this exercise and hence will not pursue it further.
It has become apparent to me that healing of any description works not by what you use but with the love that you put into it. On the client's part, the mere act of seeking out or even simply accepting a treatment of any description begins the process of healing which the Therapist can encourage and nurture not only by the face to face treatment but go on to further this therapeutic relationship by introducing regular home treatments in a way that the client can manage it within their daily routine.
I really do conclude that what any treatment amounts to is the generation of love and what follows that is healing.
Your own knowledge as a therapist is paramount and all treatments noted herein should be treated as suggestions and never as the first course of action for a client.
As for sceptics of astrology, please treat this as an exercise for the treatment of twelve character types. I'm sure you know who they are! If you're not sure what your client's sign is likely to be, then try the dowsing test shown after these Astrological posts.
Acknowledgements and references: Nicolas Culpepper - Colour Herbal James Vogh - The Cosmic Factor

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Aries Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Fire Quality: Cardinal Planet: Mars
Approx period: 21st March to 19th April
Star Qualities:
Enthusiastic, outgoing, extrovert, hasty (must learn to look before leaping), can be aggressive, a pioneer. The Aries will tell all their friends about you.
Aries rules the head, upper brain functions, eyes and upper jaw. By reflex to Libra, the kidneys and homeostasis.
Physical attributes:
Usually good health, strong and vital but can suffer from headaches and ailments affecting the head and scalp. Stress and mental exhaustion. Being a sporty character, Arians can be prone to accidents with consequential cuts and bruises. Fevers too (all red and hot complaints). Arians also tend to 'eat on the hoof'.
Those which are sedative, cooling, analgesic, hypotensive and aperitif (appetite regulators).
The client is unlikely to want to 'waste time' in the bath being much more likely to rush in and out of the shower as indeed the treatment room so, with the minimum of fuss, they would probably prefer facials and shower oil/after shower body rubs. This is the client who will insist on 'being first' and this is how they should be treated. They will need advice on first aid compresses etc and quick ways to deal with their burns, cuts and bruises. Make sure they don't fall off the couch as they jump!
Although dietary advice may be necessary, they are unlikely to take it unless you can convince them that it really is in their own best interests. They probably need to tone down the step aerobics to something more gentle and energy-consuming. E.g. Tai Chi.
As a therapist, you'll have lots of energy to keep on the go all day (and night). Be sure to get enough relaxation and ask someone to give you a facial/scalp massage. Self employment rather than a group practice unless you are the boss is best to cater for your entrepreneurial and pioneering skills. Perhaps at a clinic rather than peripatetic or plan your visits carefully so you don't have to speed. You are likely to develop your First Aid skills and interests in facials and possibly helping the mentally handicapped, studying cranial osteopathy and childbirth.

The Taurus Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Earth Quality: Fixed Planet: Venus
Approx period: 20th April - 20 May

Star Qualities:
Placid, artistic, noble. Loves beauty, money and possessions. Practical, methodical and enduring. Not easily riled but watch out when the Taurean is! The Taurean will not 'boast' about their treatment from you but they may tell their friends when their newly found youthful looks are commented upon.
Taurus rules the throat, neck, eustachian tubes, carotid artery, larynx, tonsils, cervical vertebrae, the thyroid and lower brain functions. By reflex to Scorpio, the sex organs.
Physical Attributes:
Resistance to infection is usually quite good but Taureans can tend to worry about their health unnecessarily - hypochondria. They can however, suffer from throat infections, goitre, asthma and sinus infections, neuralgia in neck muscles, ear infections and dental problems. They can either tend to heaviness by over indulgence in their favourite cuisine or be very fit and slim. Female Taureans can suffer from irregular menstruation.
De-toxifying, energising and bronchial oils.
Massage the upper body as a minimum. They would probably enjoy the 'works' using long, slow pampering strokes although the faster lymphatic drainage massage could be necessary but not self-indulgent enough at first and then there is the diet to consider.
Home baths in luxuriant oils would be most welcome especially if it is their very own blend (possessiveness) made by their very own therapist. Being earth creatures, clay masques for facials are likely to be appreciated.
Diets could be a problem to impose unless they are the acutely health conscious type of Taurean. However, they could be shown some cordon-bleu sound-alike healthy meals to cook. They also like gardening, so perhaps they can use their home grown herbs, vegetables and fruit.
They like to feel secure, so ensure absolutely no interruptions during treatment.
For exercise - gardening and country walks. More esoterically, because they have a talent with their voice, chanting and yoga.
As a therapist, you will probably be very careful in the way you deal with clients and enjoy sculpturing bodywork using your strong hands. You may concentrate on beauty therapy and all the ins and outs of diet. You like to make your own preparations even to the point of growing your own herbs and are likely to study medical herbalism.
You probably like to work as part of a team but woe betide anyone who touches your couch or oils without permission!
Be willing to learn and try out new techniques and keep your posture in check to prevent neck strain. With your dulcet tones, you may consider hypnotherapy training.

The Gemini Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Air Quality: Mutable Planet: Mercury
Approx period: 21 May to 21 June

Star Qualities:
A natural communicator, versatile, intellectual and tactile. Can lack concentration as there is so much to see and do. Loves studying and is able to talk and talk - good at bluffing too. Can be restless and fidgety. The Gemini will tell all their friends and probably write about you too. Watch out for the articles and the local newspaper!
The nervous system, arms, lungs and respiration. By reflex to Sagittarius, the liver and metabolism.
Physical Attributes:
Geminis are generally energetic and lively. They have a youthful constitution that is not necessarily obvious as they are prone to over work and exhaustion both physically and mentally. They have a tendency to respiratory problems and arm/shoulder complaints and can also indulge in addictive habits.
De-toxifying, sedative, cephalic and those that deepen their emotional capacity. Nervines and anti-catarrhreal blends.
They probably need a full body massage if you think that they won't become too fidgety as this will help them to relax. Possibly Swedish style massage especially cupping to clear the lungs.
At home, they are less likely to bath than shower and it is unlikely to be successful to convince them otherwise. At home, speedy treatments would suit such as inhalations and aromatic burning oils especially to ease respiration. At the least, manicures, hand and arm massage would help to ward off writer's cramp and to restore those bitten nails.
Dietary advice would need to include items of fast food (healthy sorts of course) E.g. celery sticks to nibble. Exercise, possibly yoga to enhance respiration or Tai Chi to positively involve arm movement. Geminis are unlikely to be easy hypnosis or counselling subjects.
As a therapist, it's your hands that do the communicating. Try to keep your surroundings as quiet as possible but peripatetic work would suit your needs for constant stimulation. Don't forget to relax yourself and take time off from reading up on things all the time. Put into practice all that you have learned because its of no real use if you don't. Plan your treatment times and keep check on the consultation periods else the appointment could extend beyond its set limits. You are good at counselling if you keep to a structure and develop your listening skills. You could easily assimilate Touch for Health (Kinesiology) routines and consider teaching and writing as extensions to your profession.

The Cancerian Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Water Quality: Cardinal Planet: Moon
Approx period: 22nd June to 21 July
Star Qualities:
Instinctive, intuitive, emotional. Shrewd, receptive, sympathetic and sensitive. Nurturing and protective which can mean that old worries and grudges are held on to for far too long. Clings to the past and never forgets. Can be irritable and tetchy especially to close partners. The Cancerean will only tell their closest friends about you.
The breasts, stomach and alimentary canal. By reflex to Capricorn, the skin, shins, knees and bones.
Physical Attributes:
Physically sound but with a tendency to weight problems and digestive disorders probably as a result of their unbalanced emotions. They need to forget past disappointments and resentments. Herbs/Oils:
Digestives, de-toxifying (gall stones), emotional balancers, diuretics. Skin conditioners.
Those that can relieve past conditioning.
Lymphatic drainage - conditions permitting or aromatherapy massage to relieve mental and emotional states and ease digestive problems.
Baths are a must as are other home treatments. (Home loving Cancerians). They like to collect things, so remember to only provide enough oil etc to last the course otherwise it will be kept for too long along with all the other old medicines. Introduce mutual massage for partners.
An 'eat for life' de-tox diet (no crash diets) but lots of whole foods with nourishing recipes.
A water sign, so exercise can include swimming or water sports and anything rhythmic, dance for example but not too hectic. Meditation and or hypnotherapy or psychotherapy for dealing with the past and alleviation of worries.
As a therapist, you have a caring and nurturing approach to your clients. Worry less and care more. This allows the healing love to flow. Read up on new oils and techniques, try them out - use change as a way to grow and nurture yourself. You are likely to be good with women and children - a family therapist.
Is it possible to have your treatment room at home and grow your own herbs?

The Leo Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Fire Quality: Fixed Planet: Sun
Approx period: 22nd July to 21st August
Star Qualities:
Creative, generous, proud. Has leadership abilities, loves children and romance. Extrovert and social. The Leo's pride is easily hurt resulting in childish tantrums or excess bossiness. The Leo will boast to all his or her entourage about the luxury therapy you supply.
Leo rules the heart, the back and shoulders. The dorsal vertebrae, gall bladder and by reflex to Aquarius, the circulation and ankles.
Physical Attributes:
Walks tall but can complain of chest pains, palpitations, heart conditions, rheumatic fever, fevers, back pains, slipped discs and even spinal meningitis.
Muscular and circulatory tonics, cordials, febrifuges and sedatives.
Leo is the boss - anything that can pander to his/her 'special' needs. Back massage is a must but chest/shoulders too. Full body massage especially for circulatory disorders watching out for varicose veins. Appropriate home use 'chest rubs' and luxurious and therapeutic bath oils. Room fragrances and herb teas with exotic names.
The diet must cut down on red meats and saturated fats and include garlic in prepared dishes.
Advise on how to both socialise and cut down on alcohol etc.
For exercise, advise on whichever activity they think they can excel. Competitive or not, their inner pride must be nourished. Active and social exercise routines preferred E.g. stretch, Tai Chi and outdoor sports.
As a therapist, you would probably like to run a group practice or work within the business (show business) world becoming famous among the famous. Work with children and teenagers would appeal and you could enjoy the counselling and psychological aspects.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Virgoan Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Earth Quality: Mutable Planet: Mercury

Approx period: 22nd August to 22nd September

Star Qualities:
Discriminating, honest, hardworking, analytical and critical. Can get bogged down in detail. Tidy and unassuming unless too helpful bordering on interfering. Can find it difficult to express their true feelings. The Virgoan will describe in minute detail the kind of treatment they have had to their friends and colleagues.
Virgo rules the abdomen and intestines and by reflex to Pisces, the feet.
Physical Attributes:
Of generally strong constitution, why worry but they do. Born hypochondriacs. Stress from the worry can lead to intestinal disorders including diarrhoea and colitis.
Calminatives, sedatives, aperitifs.
They will be more likely to come for clinical reasons than for beauty treatments. Full body massage for nerves and digestive problems. However, they may be too shy at first to cope and so either use reflexology or work on other accessible areas in the initial stages of treatment then leading up to 'the works'.
Home use local massage rubs and all cleansing products E.g. facial toners, foot scrubs. They may find oil based preparations to sticky for the bath, so alternative bath products need to be found.
Virgos do well on whole grain diets (Virgo was the original corn maiden) but they are already likely to be taking ample vitamins so check they are not taking too many! They would like herb teas.
Reflexology and relaxing meditational exercises, hypnotherapy etc. Country walks too.
As a therapist, you will have learned the minutae of the bodily structures and functions and present a very clinical and professional front to your clients. You could work best in a group practice possibly at a health and fitness centre or within a medical establishment. Reflexology is yet another aspect of therapy that you can put to practical use. You may also like to do research into the chemistry of oils and dietetics. You probably like growing your own herbs and making your own products - very carefully - only the purest of pure products will do!

The Scorpio Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Water Quality: fixed Planet: Mars/Pluto

Approx period: 23rd October to 21st November

Star Qualities:
Brave, adventurous, determined, stubborn and energetic. Aggressive and incisive sometimes subtly. Strongly emotional and suffers from emotional ups and downs due to good imagination. Scorpios are jealous secretive and passionate in all things. The Scorpio is unlikely to mention their therapy unless they have another motive in mind. All too psychic.
Scorpio rules the sex organs and bladder, the large intestine, the prostate (in males). By reflex to Taurus, the throat and neck.
Physical attributes:
Generally strong physique but prone to low immunity and accidents. Often suffering from irregular menstruation (women). Occasionally suffers from poisoning (food). Needs to balance moods.
Herbs/Oils: Mood balancing, hormonal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, immuno-stimulants and styptics. Psychic protectors.
Possibly first aid or sports injury treatments! Else lymphatic drainage for immunity improvement or aromatherapy massage to lift depressions etc.
Be careful not to imply sexual connotations to this client, try using anaphrodisiacs if appropriate!
Their diet is likely to contain too much red meat and hence pointers to white meats and fish may suit. Above all, do not let them make you feel responsible (guilty) for their self-induced inadequacies.
Psychotherapy and energetic sports.
As a therapist, you need challenge and change. With good insight into other's problems, you can develop your psychic abilities. Use some of your time helping mentally dis-advantaged children or the terminally ill and develop your spiritual healing capability which will improve your own immunity on both the spiritual and physical planes. For the more adventurous, studying acupuncture or Shiatsu is a must.

The Libran Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Air Quality: Cardinal Planet: Venus
Approx period: 23rd Sept to 22nd Oct

Star Qualities:
Loves beauty and harmony, the world can seem a cruel place to a Libran and at worst, they can divorce themselves from their emotions to secure their outward appearance of peace and compliance. Gentle and artistic but can be lazy. Diplomatic with a sense of justice and fair play. A typical 'agony Aunt' and a loyal friend. The Libran is less likely than most to tell any of their friends about you unless they can see it as being useful to them.
Libra rules the body's balance, its homeostasis. Hence hormones, fluids, the kidneys and lumber vertebrae. By reflex to Aires, the head and brain.
Physical Attributes:
Because of the idealism and vision of a 'perfect world', the Libran can suffer from stress if things are out of balance. Diseases of the kidney, stones, nephritis and bladder infections. Lower back problems. Stress and hormonal imbalance can also lead to skin eruptions due to the bodies inability to detoxify.
Those that balance the endocrine system, combat infection, relieve headaches and muscular aches and pains. Also those that enable old traumas to be put into perspective.
Back massage and facials a must, possibly leading to lymphatic drainage (although rarely overweight, Libras can retain fluid) or full body massage. Compresses for back and kidney problems. Skin conditions may mean no massage is possible, therefore compresses and baths for these. All with 'luxuriously' blended and very balanced oils.
As they are prone to indulge in cordon-bleu meals, de-tox diets etc must be presented to them in a 'de-lux' but easy to prepare menu style.
Librans tend to be easy hypnotherapy subjects and are good at meditation and visualisation. Alexander technique and light dance are other options.
As a therapist you will need quiet, well equipped and harmonious surroundings. You are unlikely to be peripatetic but enjoy the beauty side of therapy E.g. facials. You are likely to be good at counselling but need to keep check on your own inner needs. Allow for imperfections in an imperfect world and help those that come to see you attain their individual balance which may differ from your own - after all that is why clients come to see you.
Enjoy the fragrances and create your own therapeutic perfumes and make full use of flower remedies.

The Saggitarius Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Fire Quality: Mutable Planet: Jupiter
Approx period: 22nd November to 21st December

Star Qualities:
The truth seeker, daring and gregarious, enjoys socialising as much as studying the higher truths, philosophy, religion etc. Very sport-orientated as a spectator or participant, optimistic and sometimes overly so. Can be unrealistic and changeable in direction but forever enthusiastic, unconventional and freedom-loving. The Sagittarius may well write about the therapy, so watch out in the nationals!

Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, coccyx and the liver. By reflex to Gemini, it also rules the lungs and nervous system.

Physical attributes:
Generally enjoys good health but can abuse it by excesses in food, habits and over-exertion in physical activities - 'hard-living'. Conversely, the subject could be a complete couch potato. Can suffer from liver disease, fevers, piles, sciatica and rheumatism (pelvic area).

Herbs/Oils: Hepatic, nervine, febrifuge and sedative.

If they are going to over-indulge, then they may as well indulge in Aromatherapy. Swedish half body or aromatherapy massage to relieve pelvic and liver problems. They probably need more than they have asked for as they do not want to sit still for too long. They will appreciate other people's philosophies and advice appreciating other types of therapies EG Reiki and reflexology as an integrated part of the treatment. Make sure that they can commit themselves to future appointments as required. A reminder phone call wouldn't go amiss. Take care that they don't leap off the couch and injure you or themselves (can be clumsy). Advise on pre and post sport massage and baths.
Unlikely to stick to any sort of diet but the least you can do is ask them to moderate their intake of everything and take vitamins to supplement their diet.
Creative visualisation, meditation, gentle sports and stretch exercise, yoga (from the philosophical point of view) or Tai Chi.

As a therapist, work in hotels using you linguistic abilities or sporty surroundings would suit EG gym or dance studio. As you enjoy travel and change so bring a peripatetic element into your routine. You like to socialise, so team up with other like-minded therapists in your area. Make sure your books balance - don't overlook the details or hire someone who can do this for you. Be careful with dosages and proportions of oils. Consider touring or working abroad with the local sports team perhaps.
Don't become a full time student, studying is only worthwhile if you put it into practice. Consider lecturing or writing on health-related subjects.

The Capricorn Aromatherapist and Couch Clients

Element: Earth Quality: Cardinal Planet: Saturn
Approx period: 22nd December to 20th January

Star Qualities:
Patient, (over) cautious and shuns the limelight. Conservative, staid, self-disciplined, practical and industrious. Has business acumen and quietly ambitious. Can withstand set-backs in life as probably is accustomed to them. Can be old-fashioned and conventional. Capricorns will appreciate the traditional background of the therapy and will tell their business colleagues.

Capricorn rules the structure of things, the skeleton, the skin and the knees. By reflex to Cancer, the digestive system.

Physical attributes:Known for their longevity, diseases of age are common such as arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, liver spots, dry skin, intestinal blockages, kidney and gall stones.
With a somewhat pessimistic outlook on life, they can also suffer from bouts of depression and look old before their time.

Herbs/Oils: Anti-depressants, tonics, digestives. De-toxifyers and skin conditioners.

Beware of injured joints and skin eruptions that make massage impractical otherwise use gentle aromatherapy massage paying attention to the abdomen and legs. Suggest baths and scrubs for skin treatments. Crystal therapy may be a worthy addition to the repertoire.

Other: Capricorns will persevere in most regimes if required with careful attention to diet to relieve digestive problems.
Tai Chi and yoga may help suppleness but Alexander technique would suit their more conservative self-image if there is a postural problem. Swimming could be good if they can swim as would the occasional mountain climbing expedition!
They may need referral to an osteopath or chiropractic.

Therapist:As a therapist, if you are not already an osteopath, consider further study in this direction or work alongside such practitioners. The Alexander technique may appeal too as indeed, working with the elderly and using crystals.
With firm and steady actions, massage would well be appreciated by your clients. Make sure that you do not take on their problems too - psychic protection is a must as you've enough on your shoulders already. Set aside some time to enjoy the lighter side of life.

The Aquarius Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Air Quality: Fixed Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Approx period: 20th January to 19th February

Star Qualities:
Humanitarian, independent, original and scientifically minded. Can be eccentric and odd in behaviour. Reformative and creates his or her own authority structures rather than accepting what has gone before and as such, can appear emotionally detached and cool towards those who adhere to traditional values. With a sense of compassion for social and humanitarian concerns, they can live alone among the crowds and need to develop more compassion towards the individual. They will tell their many acquaintances about the therapy.

Aquarius rules the shins, ankles and circulation. By reflex to Leo, the heart.
Physical Attributes:
Although of general good health and constitution, Aquarians are prone to accidents involving drugs, electricity and explosions! They can suffer from vague illnesses difficult to diagnose or varicose veins and swelling of the lower limbs.

Cordials, circulatory and general tonics, de-toxifying. Emotional enhancers.
They would probably prefer Swedish style massage and unconventional, new techniques. Lymphatic drainage for fluid retention (veins permitting).

Ensure that their diet has plenty of vitamin D for healthy bones etc. make sure that they eat regularly - no skipping meals.
Walking would be good but not standing all day. Daily yoga and/or meditation. A regular routine is best for Aquarians.

You probably know all the chemical ins and outs of the oils and the physio-anatomy too. You can present a very clinical and professional manner to your clients. You may prefer to work alone rather than in a group practice unless you have set it up yourself and set your own rules. A dedicated campaigner for reform and you are likely to invent your own style of working (don't keep it to yourself). Taking a scientific approach, you are unlikely to burden yourself with your clients problems. You can counsel well without taking any problems home. Consider further studies and research in psychotherapy and homeopathy. You could well invent your own form of therapy.

The Pisces Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Water Quality: Water Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
Approx period: 20th February to 21st March

Star Qualities:
Idealistic, spiritual, sensitive, emotional and imaginative. Intuitive, psychic, artistic, impractical and romantic. Can be cunning and pull the wool over other people's eyes but also self-deluding. Prone to worry about global matters at their own expense. Pisceans will tell only their closest friends about the treatment unless they have had too much to drink.

Pisces rules the feet, bodily fluids and lymph glands. By reflex to Virgo, it reacts upon the abdomen.

Physical Attributes:
Due to tendency to low immunity, the Piscean is susceptible to colds and 'flu. Problems with the feet and fluid retention, addictive habits and psychosomatic illness.

Those which are de-toxifying, diuretic, mentally uplifting and tonifying. Anti-viral, bacterial and immuno-stimulants. Psychic protectors.

Pisceans can be all things to all people, so any or all types of treatment could be appropriate and appreciated by a client especially reflexology and subtle energy work. Lymphatic drainage to improve immunity, with baths or showers for home use.
Make sure they know when their next appointment is, it may be advisable to give a reminder phone call a day before.

Other: With food fads part of their life-style, provide an eating plan that accommodates their 'taste' for a week of this and another week of that.
Meditation, swimming and water sports. All forms of spiritual development. Hypnotherapy and or psychotherapy to allay their fears and build assertiveness.

A spiritual person who cares for others a great deal. Could easily work in a large institution such as a hospital or school. Develop your spiritual and psychic nature but remember to keep your 'feet on the ground' ie be practical with earthly matters to enhance the healing you can give to others. Remember to protect yourself or you will find yourself becoming burdened with the worries of others whether you realise it or not.