Chill with Gill

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Virgoan Aromatherapist and Couch Client

Element: Earth Quality: Mutable Planet: Mercury

Approx period: 22nd August to 22nd September

Star Qualities:
Discriminating, honest, hardworking, analytical and critical. Can get bogged down in detail. Tidy and unassuming unless too helpful bordering on interfering. Can find it difficult to express their true feelings. The Virgoan will describe in minute detail the kind of treatment they have had to their friends and colleagues.
Virgo rules the abdomen and intestines and by reflex to Pisces, the feet.
Physical Attributes:
Of generally strong constitution, why worry but they do. Born hypochondriacs. Stress from the worry can lead to intestinal disorders including diarrhoea and colitis.
Calminatives, sedatives, aperitifs.
They will be more likely to come for clinical reasons than for beauty treatments. Full body massage for nerves and digestive problems. However, they may be too shy at first to cope and so either use reflexology or work on other accessible areas in the initial stages of treatment then leading up to 'the works'.
Home use local massage rubs and all cleansing products E.g. facial toners, foot scrubs. They may find oil based preparations to sticky for the bath, so alternative bath products need to be found.
Virgos do well on whole grain diets (Virgo was the original corn maiden) but they are already likely to be taking ample vitamins so check they are not taking too many! They would like herb teas.
Reflexology and relaxing meditational exercises, hypnotherapy etc. Country walks too.
As a therapist, you will have learned the minutae of the bodily structures and functions and present a very clinical and professional front to your clients. You could work best in a group practice possibly at a health and fitness centre or within a medical establishment. Reflexology is yet another aspect of therapy that you can put to practical use. You may also like to do research into the chemistry of oils and dietetics. You probably like growing your own herbs and making your own products - very carefully - only the purest of pure products will do!


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