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Friday, September 08, 2006

Aromatherapists Sun Sign Guide

A Therapist's Sun-Sign Guide to Couch Clients, Aromatherapy, Complementary Therapies and Your Own Star Potential
INTRODUCTION In the history of medicine, many of the famous names we hear of were also astrologers, Hippocrates and Culpepper are just two of them. Indeed, they rarely did anything about a patient without first consulting the person's birth chart and other planetary trends to obtain a complete diagnosis of the course of the illness. Today, however, it is seen as unethical to diagnose a person's health by astrology, nevertheless, it does not 'hurt' and can help to know one's own 'Star Potential' as a therapist and find out why, if you find that life is not going according to plan, how to remedy it.
Have you wondered why so many clients have apparently unrelated ailments that seem to go hand in hand with each other? For example, why are people with skin conditions also prone to heart and circulatory problems, or those suffering from lumber or kidney ailments also complain of headaches? Astrology cannot actually answer the question 'why' (and I don't know what would) but it provides an answer by acknowledging the rulerships of the zodiacal signs. As the universe is made up of the 'four' elements (energies) so are we and all the tools of our trade. We are all unique and Astrology charts can show us how we differ from the "stereotype" who can never exist in reality. We are all perfect in our own imperfect way just as our cells in our body have the same basic components but are specialised to perform their role in life. We need to recognise that the 'faults' we see in others are normal and even useful to them if not ourselves by providing the duality needed for any comparison. Like the essential oils we use, variety is the spice of life. All one needs to start applying astrology to healing is the person's date of birth to find their Sun sign. However this is a rather general approach as a person can more strongly display characteristics of their Moon sign or more usually the Ascendant (their rising sign) or even those of a particularly strongly placed planet in their birth chart. So a Taurean, for example, could well be prone to afflictions noted for any one or more of the other eleven Sun signs. I often suggest to astrological clients in respect to newpaper astrology that they may as well "pick the best one for the day". Nevertheless, what follows is a simple guide to the twelve Sun signs, the basic character types used in Astrology.
On reading them, you may find that you identify with one or two of them (not necessarily that of your Sun sign as noted above - You can pick the best one too!) and that your clients fit in with one or more of these descriptions also.
To help you find your 'Star Potential', I have suggested the best ways in which you can work to minimise the weaknesses and maximise strengths for both yourself and your clients. Additionally, for your clients, I have noted some treatments and ways of helping them to fit in with their basic natures which cannot be changed.
All far to complex. Is it all bunk? I was going to tabulate oils assigning ruling planets or signs of the zodiac in much the way Culpepper did with plants but the more references I studied, the more inconsistencies I uncovered. (Same as oil properties - depends which book you read). It seems quite apparent that the more times something is written down (right or wrong), the more likely it becomes thought of as fact. Indeed this phenomena forms the basis of western astrology - a thought form with little to do with astronomy (but it works) and I have no intention in the New Age to re-invent the wheel - a structured product of the age just gone. Two examples of mis-nomas are that of the Sun's rulership of Chamomile. Culpepper pointed out that the Egyptians were 'Apes' to have assigned the Sun to this plant. He left its rulership unsaid because it is so apparent that it is Moon ruled. Secondly, Rosemary is said to be Sun ruled but as the oil (not necessarily the herb) is a cephalic, its rulership is more akin to Mercury than the Sun.
Assigning the oils to planets does not work.
Oils are complex and perhaps after much analysis, they could be ascribed to planetary aspects IE interactions between more than one planet in sign and house but I cannot see any useful purpose in this exercise and hence will not pursue it further.
It has become apparent to me that healing of any description works not by what you use but with the love that you put into it. On the client's part, the mere act of seeking out or even simply accepting a treatment of any description begins the process of healing which the Therapist can encourage and nurture not only by the face to face treatment but go on to further this therapeutic relationship by introducing regular home treatments in a way that the client can manage it within their daily routine.
I really do conclude that what any treatment amounts to is the generation of love and what follows that is healing.
Your own knowledge as a therapist is paramount and all treatments noted herein should be treated as suggestions and never as the first course of action for a client.
As for sceptics of astrology, please treat this as an exercise for the treatment of twelve character types. I'm sure you know who they are! If you're not sure what your client's sign is likely to be, then try the dowsing test shown after these Astrological posts.
Acknowledgements and references: Nicolas Culpepper - Colour Herbal James Vogh - The Cosmic Factor


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