Don't we all have good nights and bad nights...these are the same, let me explain.....

Unlike the Kings, they are all on horseback - they move about a bit. The fire and swords knights be the fastest followed by the cups and slow...v. e. r. y s. l. o. w is the knight of pentacles (or discs).
Knight of Wands - fire of fire. Hot stuff if you can catch him... one of your old flames perhaps? He will never learn from his mistakes. So idealistic just like Don Quixote - far too busy chasing windmills must chase more and more and more.
He heroically rescues the princess from the tower by climbing up the stone walls..opps forgot health and safety harness and crashes to the ground.
Knight of Swords - air of fire. This one can dash in and dash out of your life. He can come up with some good ideas - a new perspective or things you hadn't thought of ... but also a great deal of bullshit. Arthur Daly - second hand car salesman.
He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by shouting his ideas for her escape. Do you agree with his plans?
Knight of Cups - water of fire. Oh blimey - every girl's dream. He will capture your heart and soul to the point of highest obsession, leaves and comes back whenever he chooses. Bast**td. You can beware but you cannot resist. Will Young
He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by first singing a romantic ballade. He remembers his other date(s) and says he will be back later..err when???
Knight of Disks - earth of fire. Slowcoach, thorough, detailed, reluctant. But as he is so slow - not too hard to catch. Hope he's worth it! The taxman!
He heorically rescues the princess from the tower by taking his time building a ladder. Of course he has to wait for the trees to grow to supply the wood. At last...finally our damsel in distress is rescued. Or is she? He has made the staircase so good, he decides to stay in the tower with her.