Chill with Gill

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Where is it not ‘AT’

I feel the future of AT is subject to many influences which are mostly negative.

While there are still accredited courses available, I feel Aromatherapists are likely to be 'legislated' out of existence in the next few years and therefore feel that providers lack ethics in continuing to run such courses for the time being.

1. We cannot claim uses of biocides from September 2006. I cannot then make a 'nit mix' for commercial sale. I can still make a preparation but how can I talk truthfully to clients? ‘This is for the well-being of your scalp’!!!!

2. In Europe there are various requirements coming along for limitation of certain chemicals in products. That affects all our citrus oils (bergaptene) and many more. Also products that contain cineole, camphor and thymol will be banned in products used by children. No more real natural products for us!

3. Additionally there are conflicts between the National Occupational Standards and actual availability of oils - Sandalwood (endangered), no grapefruit (washed away by the hurricanes in the States), no Florida orange (immigrant workers not allowed in); Jasmine ‘by enfleurage’ (no its solvent extracted these days).

It is easy for the perfume trade to accommodate the above changes; they simply use alternatives or synthetics. On the global scale, Aromatherapy is a niche market – very small and insignificant. A move away from traditional products, in the AT case, oils, will have the effect of reducing supply as demand falls away. And that which is left will become very pricey and probably illegal.

More on Sandalwood. Suppliers are happily saying they now have Austrailian Sandalwood to use instead of E. Indian. Did you know that the Australian water table is being woefully depleted owing to this? IE also unethical.
Neal's Yard is the only general supplier I have come across to state they are not using Sandalwood at all. (I suspect cost is the main factor).

Our tools are being taken away from us.

Go with nature and don’t buy the products that are not there!
Protest against legislative issues that are there not so much to protect the public but to protect the pharmaceutical industry;
Don’t waste your money on an accredited course at least for the next few years. Learn Sports massage!


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