Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Monday, August 29, 2022

This is what happens when Saturn puts the Boot in!

Having survived Saturn’s first transit of Mercury in Aquarius, retrograde Saturn then met up with Mercury again. This also Squared my natal Saturn.

My MS flared up and I didn’t notice my left foot was inverted. I went crashing down resulting in a broken foot in two places and a few bruises elsewhere. It could have been worse. Hence the Boot from the Dr Who set.

How does this fit in with my astrological transits?

Saturn rules the structure, in this case my bones, posture and of course rules and regulations. As it was retrograde, it was at it’s worst for teaching hard lessons.

Aquarius rules the lower legs  but with Mercury placed in it, it rules my nervous system and my MS condition. I have also had to live with a natal Saturn Square to Mercury. Hah, the school of hard knocks!

So, what lessons have I learned?

1.     If it is dark, switch the light on so I can see if there is a problem;

2.      If my leg feels numb – check the whole limb before walking;

3.     Have walking aids nearby.

Basically – watch your step!

Looking back – has this occurred in previous Saturn transits?

Nope – not in 1993 Saturn was direct all the way swiftly passing over my planets.

Not sure – summer 1963, Such a long time ago, was it the time when I slipped and sprained my wrist?

 From a Reflexology point of view,  my accident would indicate that there are lessons still to overcome from past (the left foot) experiences. It’s holding me back so I should use this time to reflect and dispel the “baggage”.

While I wait for my fracture specialists appointment, I am gently applying an uplifting Aromatherapy blend to the area. (Reiki and crystals too)

Grapeseed base with 3% Geranium, Blue Chamomile and Grapefruit in proportion 1:1:1

Geranium – good for skin and mood. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory. In olden times Geranium was known as ”knit bone” so with its cicatrising property, it may help eal those broken bones and tissues.

Blue Chamomile – full of azulene and chamazulene, fantastic for inflammatory conditions.

Grapefruit - to enhance the aroma and help with fluid drainage.

Now I’m off to put my feet up.