A rather magical mystery tarot reading: How is the UK Government dealing with the Covid-19 crisis?
How is the UK Government dealing with the Covid-19 crisis?
A simple seven card past, present and future spread was used. My special major card deck that seems to like political things came into play.
I usually say this spread lasts for about a year, so let's start it from January 2020.
Here is a summary of what we came up with. Comments appreciated.
Distant past (Jan 2020): the Magician.
This could not be more true as politicians scrambled to figure out what was going on and then (attempt to) juggle the facts (imo little known) to manage the media so as not to alarm people. Or were they just hoping it would magically go away?
Recent past: Judgement
I feel that this card rendered the Magician ineffective in that he got found out. All is out on show. Information for anyone caring to seek it out. (Beware of mis information though)
Time for more clarity and a proper action plan. (I did not notice the government apologising for the poor quality information spouted previously but hey ho, let's move on)
Current position: Wheel of Fortune
Excellent. There are opportunities for swift action (can the Government ever be swift?). Hesitate and we lose out.
Current Obstacles: The Lovers
As this always represents choice, we thought that the obstacle here would be dithering. Therefore failure to seize the moment (the Wheel).
Current outlook: The Tower
So if Judgement did not do the trick, then the the good news is that the Tower will rapidly clear the way and get rid of waste of time plans etc that make things unworkable. At worst this card could mean Governmental collapse.
Near Future: The Chariot
Oh great, focus and on track.
By the end of the year: The High Priestess
At worst this card can mean secrets and mystery but in respect to the question, perhaps drugs of some kind emerge which may be helpful. Perhaps our medicine woman of the pack intent of the general well-being of the nation manages to sort out what the magician couldn't.
So we were left hopeful for the nation. tt was interesting to see that Death was not present (phew).
From magic to mystery.
Take care everyone