Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jasmine a pregnant pause for the Royal Oil

I have been asked to write a little about my personal experiences with jasmine so here it is on my blog too.
Jasminium grandiflorum is also known as the royal oil; however Jasminium officinale seems to act similarly.
It is not only an aphrodisiac but also a parturient and galactagogue. The latter two mean that it aids childbirth and subsequent milk flow.

How to use it: add one drop of Jasmine to one teaspoon (5ml) of massage oil (EG sunflower oil). Use as a tummy rub or in a back massage.

My postnatal bump disappeared overnight much to the consternation of the midwife. 27 years later my daughter’s labour was rapid. Off the hospital at 10 am, baby arrived at 13.30. Since then, her postnatal bump has gone. With a later addition of two drops of Grapefruit oil to the blend has assisted with her fluid retention/weight loss. 

Did I say Jasmine was aphrodisiac? Guess what happens next!

The only contra-indication (when not to use it) is during pregnancy. So put that little bottle away for 9 months. Or maybe longer depending on how many children you want.