Although I am retired, I had the opportunity to put back
into the community last week and to put my Tarot Naturally cards to the test at
the Multiple Sclerosis charity craft fair.
My Tarot table was set up in the corner of the hall which
gave the querents some privacy,
I wanted to raise as much as I could for the charity and
yes, I did. I was busy the whole time and speechless at the end of it. It has
been a while since I have read for so many people at one sitting
The cards worked their magic. The readings came out clear
and to the point. Actually, readings are quicker than when using standard decks:
Less of an explanation is required owing to the card’s simplicity and
appropriateness to their intrinsic meaning. The querents appeared to enjoy the fact
that they could almost do the reading themselves.
Here I am reading for Sheila, who runs the local MS
Society group. She was suitably impressed and hoped I could help with more
fairs. It was a craft fair after all and my cards are lovingly hand crafted.
So whether you enjoy tarot as a hobby or want to enhance
and speed up your professional (or charitable) readings, do make you own cards,
A real craft!