Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Monday, November 28, 2016

No Myth in this Magic - Create Tarot Naturally – what is it?

All manner of things:
It’s a read – a story – a personal journey some have said. I try to make it funny – always the optimist!

It’s an introduction to the Tarot which is good for beginners.

But it doesn’t hurt experts to go back to basics as I have done and recalled some meanings that somehow got lost at the back of my mind.

And try the quizzes.

It’s very crafty - an easy guide to using IT (your computer) to make your own cards. Who doesn’t love stationery!

It’s a laugh – hey, try avoiding my mistakes as I haplessly fall foul of them. You don’t have to and there may be more – do tell me.

Seeing is believing.

When you have your own deck of cards, they will reflect the environment you live in and, that said, the environment and culture of your querents – the people you do readings for.

No BS unless your cards say so!

The point is that the querent can easily get the idea of what’s going on simply from seeing your cards. They can see that you are not making up the “story “.

Because you cannot be easily dismissed as spouting mumbo jumbo by a client who really did not want to know what is going on, you can maintain your professionalism.

Everyone can trust your Tarot Naturally deck to make it a real experience.

They’ll be back.

It’s a real gift for all – even if you don’t know anything to start with.

Take out the myth-tery
What’s left is the magic we can all share...

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Firey Works in November 2016

Fire Works

There is a lengthy meteor shower this month. Called the Leonids.

This shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris left by the comet Tempel-Tuttle.

Meteors will come this way from the 6th to the 30th of November. It peaks on the 17th just 3 days after the full Moon. The brightness of the moon may inhibit seeing it to its best effect.

Because this comet takes around 33 years to make one orbit around the Sun, it is cyclical in nature. With the last “high” at the turn of the century (year 2000), we are in the middle of the current cycle. So make a note to view the fiery spectacle at its greatest in 2033.

But there is more to see on bonfire night when Mars, the fiery planet appears in the night sky near the waxing Moon.

Look west into the sky after the sun has set.

Where to find “West”?

The Sun sets in the west so face that way. East will be behind you.

And what will be on your left hand?

…fingers! (heh heh)

Actually, as well as this, your left will point to South and right. to North.

What is “waxing”? Apart from a beauty treatment, the waxing moon is one that is growing (from crescent to full). Waning is the opposite in that after the full moon, it reduces in visible size eventually becoming new and so on.

More on Mars

The symbol for Mars comprises a circle and arrow.

Mars is the God of War but in astrology, this planet means “Action”.

Originally the symbol was a circle with a cross on top –

A circle represents spirit and a cross means materialisation or brought to earth, so here, with the cross above it, spirit (movement/action) is weighted down to Earth. Something happens!

This is the opposite to Venus, Goddess of love and beauty. Earthy things (love and money etc.) are adored.

I suspect the new Martian symbol changed owing to a disagreement of the couple and she won.