Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tarot naturally - reflection

I have nearly finished my journey into the natural tarot. I will not be publishing any more pictures on this blog for the time being.

My 'range statement' is almost complete.

I was interesting to simply come across items in my daily life that jumped out at me as typical tarot cards. A reading using them worked well so there's proof enough for me.

I started with the Empress and this was the creative inspiration for them. Why did I pick that stone up all those years ago? - must have been for this project. Interestingly and totally unplanned, the cups suit started with a rose bud and ended with a rose bush in full bloom.

Many of my pictures were taken at home, in the local parks and area. Some at friends homes and others on trips to London and occasions in the south east....and several pubs! The Sun was taken by a family member - a beautiful photo. I may replace it though as all the rest are by my own hand. I did little to the photos: cropping and blotting out anything (people/cars etc) that was identifiable. I would not like ot compromise anyone's privacy.
The major suits were easiest to find but then they are all emcompassing. The court cards took some thought into what elements make when they are put together. The fun part was the cards appearing unexpectedly here and there - like the bellows (King Wands), the Model plane in a mirror (Knight Swords) and the milestone (6 coins). There are a few more pip cards to do but that can be later. Some cards seem to develop their meaning. The empty house 5 of coins when printed has a golden glow on the shutters... akin the Rider Waites and again the 7 of swords, the Magpie is in the shaddows. The ace of coins was chained...hmm a hint from the devil about materialism.

It didn't take as long as I had thought.
Now I have concluded with the 6 of coins and going to put my feet up for a while.

In the meantime...chill with Gill

And here's the 'random card' Magician number 3 or fool or whatever:

(Kindly supplied by my son, the wine bottle has my name on it)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tarot - 7 Swords naturally

Magpies are known for their thieving ways but I had to be so sneaky trying to get a shot of one.
One for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a girl and 4 for a boy.
5 for silver, 6 for gold and 7 for a secret never to be told.
This is the 7th one.

The 7 of swords naturally.

Tarot - 8 Cups naturally

So if it was really tipping down with rain, I'd need somewhere to get out of the rain.

What better place than a hide? This is a great place to get out of everything. Simply sit in peace away from it all and apply a bit of self least for a while.

This is the 8 of cups naturally.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Tarot - 2 Swords naturally

Blimey, it's about time I updated the photo... which of course I will do when I get time and figure out how to do it. (and have done later on).

In the meantime, I will turn a blind eye to getting a bit older and stick my head in this bucket of sand.

Sometimes its a helpful thing to quote from my Elfin dairy:

"The art of being wise is to know what to overlook!"

The 2 of Swords naturally.

22/07/11 New pix on profile!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Tarot - 10 Cups naturally

Beautiful happiness... shame it's only seasonal, so count your blessings now and share your love and kindness.
The 10 of cups naturally.

Tarot - The Emperor naturally

Now, who patrols this well guarded territory?
The Emperor naturally.

Tarot - The Magician naturally

It's the nearest thing I have to a Fez (which I did have once).
Anyway, everything falls into place - as if by magic.
The Magician naturally.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Tarot - Justice naturally

As you sow, so shall ye reap. The karmic influence - you get out of life what you put into it. In this case, the swing (have fun or duck out the way)!
The Justice card naturally.

PS: I just missed a great picture of naughty boys playing on an illegal mini motorbike with 2 policemen walking towards them just out of sight. Maybe the swing is better...I didn't want to get into any trouble!