Is it Fool or is it fall?
Often seen in the tarot the Fool is about to fall off a cliff - despite the dog trying to warn him to look before he leaps - or at least look!
The start of the fool's journey. Who knows what to expect when you take the next step - or are you even aware that you are taking steps?
There is a similarity here to the concept of one's Sun sign and Ascendant.
Our Sun sign is us in our purest spiritual form...commonly knocked down to size when our spirit falls to Earth and becomes a human being through our ascendant sign. Our ascendant being the more 'grubby', lesser version... well it has had a few knocks on the way down. Naturally your ego is correct in that your are still perfect. (ahem).
In a way try to view this as optical refraction, the change in a direction of a (light) wave that occurs when light passes through one medium to another. Do you remember your science teacher putting a stick into the fish tank?
All the answers are right in front of us...but we need to where's that doggy?