Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Friday, April 06, 2007

Major Tarot Forces at work

The Major Arcane - each revealed simply. (I hope). When these turn up in a reading, just imagine a god from Mount Olympus giving you and those around you (depends on where they appear in the spread) a gift. Pictures (when added) are from various decks. Mail me if you want to know which (assuming I can remember)...

The Fool... (there are lots of them..)

Be yourself - haven't we all played the fool at some time? Expect the unexpected.

Are you being foolish, do you feel a fool? Or childlike and enjoying life's events?
Be open to experience.

The Magician...

Use what you have. You have all the necessary things to do what you want. You know what you want now. Things fall into place like magic!

The High Preistess...
You know deeply inside what the answers are. Ask a friend to help you realise them. Intuition is good like it or not!

The Empress...

Patience and keep at it gets results. Abundance. Creative. No pain no gain.

The Emperor...

Controlling life has it benefits and responsibilities
Territorial - looking after your 'patch'.

The Pope...

...and pigs can fly. Either it will or it won’t. Ask for advice, look at nature. Thank God. There but for the grace of God, go I. A celebration - Praise be to GOD.

The Lovers...

May have had the chance before. Go on try it out. Choice.

The Chariot...

Pulls socks up and gets going. Forges ahead unperturbed. Get your act together.


Karma. Just rewards or just deserts.


One day at a time. Only experiencing what you can know/see. Everything else at arms length.

The Wheel of Fortune...

Opportunity for change – don’t delay may not get the chance again. Strike while the irons hot!


Something happens and you rise to the occasion. Dare devil! How did you manage that?

Hanged Man...

There's a need to give up something before you carry on or progress. Acting out of character.


Time to let go of the big pile of stuff that clutters your life. It's been ages heaping up. You don't need it. Be happy and let it go.


Smile through the storm. You cope unhindered. Doing the impossible.


So the material world is tempting you, yet it is such a burden. Avoid temptation and be truly free. Lead us not into temptation!


Oh dear, perhaps you knew something was wrong and the stuff has hit the fan. Urgent attention needed. Shocks within the week.


What’s left is hope. The stars bring you what you want. Did you ask the right question? There is always hope....just wish upon a Star


Are you going mad or is it every one else? Betrayal, gossip. You’ve had enough! Leave me alone. You can take just so much, you want no more! Paranoia.


Out of the shadows without a doubt. Helpful, some of the effort is lifted. Its easier than you think.


Lay things to rest. Shut the door on the past. New start.

The World...

Are you on top of the world or does it weigh heavily on your shoulders? We have one choice in this life - to be happy or miserable, what's your option? Like it or lump it, that’s the way if the world.

Tarot elments and numbers

Earth (Disks or coins)

Money. Material goods. Earnings. Making things.A slow process – usually. Slowest of all elements.

Air (Swords)

Mentality, thoughts ideas verbal spoken or written words. Documents. Communication.Quick – almost as fast as fire.

Fire (Wands)

Action / deeds. What is done physically.Quick - Fastest of all elements.

Water (Cups)

Emotional. Love. Hate. Feelings. Gut instincts.Slow – not as slow as Earth.

Meaning – add to the element to make a meaning. It can be good or not so good. E.g. Thoughts, actions/deeds, emotional, material. Look and study the characteristic of the figure itself!

...and we're off.....

1. Something’s about…unclear as to what. Whatever it is it’s on its way! Started!

2. Now you’ve got it what do you do with it? Urge. Not yet realised.

3. Done. Something to show for it.

4. Consolidation. No further movement Contained. (Boxed in).

5. Loss of / waste of as movement of the 4 is tried.

6. Balance and harmony restored. Peace rest.

7. Breaking away from the 6 = individually going it alone.

8. Everything whirling around. In a spin. Non-stop, no way out.

9. Surprise! Nearly at the end of the end of it now.End in sight.

10. End of the matter. Full. Look back at what has been.

There you are, all you need to know about the 'pip' cards!

Your task is to write one sentance on each of the 40 cards and mail them to me for comment!

Good luck.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Feeling is believing

How many times have you been for a reading and not figured out what the reader was referring to at the time yet things fell into place later on?
And on the physical level, several students have not been able to feel auras until much later in whichever course they were on.'s always on the tip of your tongue or just out of your conscious state....but it is there!

Please be aware of this feature of life when you have a reading or try to feel energy.