Chill with Gill

Explore the mystical and magical with Gill. Scary or relaxing...find out

Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Pendulum swings into healing mode

 At the local spiritual group I attend, it was my turn to lead the group for a new experience.

I have eight "classroom trained" pendulms. Fortunately, I had brought my own as there were 9 in the group that evenng.

I gave a brief introduction to the chakras and provided record sheets; I demonstated that you need to swing the pendulum into action and, starting at the base chakra,  hold it over each of the points in turn (marked with an "X") for each one, draw the size and shape as the pendulum indicated.

That was the "Before" column. At this point and also after the process, a reading can be done.

There is then a period of healing followed by a repeat pendulum performance  up the "After" column.


 This was mine - no energy as usual and poor self esteem and expresson (probably due to the teaching episode)! At least temporarily increased.




Monday, January 27, 2025

Apple psychometry – messages from the tree of knowledge

Last month I conducted a session in apple psychometry to my local spiritual group.

What’s involved?

At least two people and two fresh apples.

Each person holds “their” apple for a few minutes, they love it, own it and so it becomes one with them;

Swap over;

With your mind’s eye, relate anything you see or feel with any of your senses.

(however fleeting this may be).

Of course, psychometry can be done with anything – flowers, jewellery etc. But I find apples are best for a quick glimpse.

It is a fun clairvoyant/psychic development tool that works for anyone with an open mind. Okay – find out if you have one!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Fantastic Skyscape takes shape this lunar standstill

 On the 3rd January, a beautiful Moon conjunct Venus appeared.

The Moon continued its journey through the sky conjuncting Saturn (unfortunately invisible due to cloud ) but by the 10th January, the Moon was conjunct Jupiter, just above the magnificnet constellation of Orion.

🌝 Tonight, the rare lunar standstill occurs with the Moon almost full. The full Moon on display tomorrow night (13th).

So if your birthday is the 12th or 13th of the month:
Capricorn and Cancer signs can expect a highly emotional moment (pleasant or not);
Other Earth or Water signs, expect a more pleasant emotional period; 
Whereas Air and Fire signs may not be affected at all. It's very much dependant on other factors in your personal birth chart.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

This is my regular cold reading – well it is winter brrr!

 I wrote this a few years ago. Year on year it seems to stand the test of time.

It is a typical fortunetelling reading from people who cannot read the cards, tea leaves, crystal balls or anything else (even if they say they can).

 But do please read ahead for your entertainment only ……

 How did your year go? Was I right?

Will I also be spot on (or near enough) for 2025 so do keep a note.

 You’ve had some emotional ups and downs in your life. Maybe you are feeling empty or so full of things that seem to block your way ahead. Things will change for the better. Patience can help here. Remember that love is always with you.


 Expect some cheering news from friends this year. A wedding, birth or new project can bring joy and accomplishment. An offer of help from you will be much appreciated.

There was a wedding and one friend is embarking on a new project. Not so sure I was able to help.

 Financially, look after your cash flow and check your statements but don’t worry, any problem should sort itself out soon. Just make sure you are organized and thorough. Whilst you feel that luck is not always on your side, remember that there is always hope. If you don’t try, you cannot win.

Crumbs, spot on here. I'm getting my money refunded. And I won a fair amount, much more than expected.

 I feel that your working life has been trying recently. You will need to make a choice soon. A blonde woman can advise you on how to proceed and can give you the backup you need when you want to change things.

Whilst I am retired, I do have a work-style project in hand. This may not be completed this year, early 2025 I hope.

 A neighbour or close relative, someone who can be somber in nature and who has helped you in the past will need the return of this favour over the coming months.

As always!

 Travel is interesting for you this year. You will experience some setbacks and it may be more expensive than you had realised but there will be much excitement and happiness forecast.

Yes one big shock and much more costly than expected but also exciting and happy.

My score - 9 1/2 out of 10.


Good luck and a Happy New year


How was your 2024?


Thursday, November 28, 2024

A handy skyscape guide from Saturn to Sirius


With a clear view of the sky at around 9.30 to 11.30pm GMT (UCT) look South East.

The brightest oject in the sky is Jupiter in Gemini with the unmistakable Orion beneath it.

Look at Orions's belt.

With an outstretched arm - palm up, follow the line of the belt up to the right about three handspans and you will find the Pleiades star cluster/constellation.

Continue moving right and about five handspans, there will be Saturn in Pisces.

Back to the belt...

Follow the line of the belt down to the left about three handspans and just below, there will be Sirius the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major.

This year, we have a new visitor to the night sky - Mars in Leo shining to the left.

This should be on show all winter, Fabulous!

PS Forgive my attempted graphic - it's just for demonstration purposes. And, of course, there are many more stars to check out.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Out of the Body Experience 2 - A very Strange Affair

 This was my second "wakeful" OBE experience.

In the late 1980s I was promoted to a new job. The boss said the best way to get to know the products I didn't already know was to do a talk about them.

When? - In three weeks

Where? - Rotterdam

Which airport? - None, you're going by boat.

So with cue cards and OHPs prepared, I took the train form Liverpool St Station (London) to Harwich, boarded the ferry to Antwerp (other passengers being sick, I wasn't 😀) , boarded a coach (now that makes ne feel sick😒) to Rotterdam and checked into the hotel.

This was a two day conference with an Assocation who collate scientific information - all very technical.

This was my first talk to such highly esteemed people, so I was quite - no very  nervous. 

I was on first. Guess what? The OHP wasn't working, I had to do my talk without any props.

I started but soon found that I was looking down at myself and the cue cards. My words sounded muffled. I thought: Well, I'm still managing to do my talk despite such peculiar circumstance.

Stage fright or not, this was Definately an OBE. 

On finishing, I joined the audience and sat down still shaking but with a sense of relief.

Day two and they managed to get the OHP working.

Just my luck, they asked me to repeat the talk! This went smoothly with no OBE.

I made several friends whilst there. On returning home one of the members kindly carried my case for me as far as my station.

His name - Dr Strange.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Out of the Body Experience 1

Whilst I have had plenty of vivid dreams taking me here and there on the astral plane, I have only had two daytime "out of the body" experiences.

 I was in my early 20s or late teens when I dislocated my jaw on the left side whist eating a disgusting slimming roll with cheese. What a horrible "crunch". 💀

There followed a number of treatments including removal of my wisdom teeth, heat treatment and oiling the joints. None of these worked.

Finally, the hospital were going to remove a piece of bone from the joint (TM joint).

Imagine a old London hospital in the 1970s. Tall ceilings, metal single glazed windows, jaded white tiled walls.

I was operated in a large room with a solitary "dentist" chair near the window. There were four doctors or assistants in white coats performing the operation.

I was given a general anasthetic - knocked out.

During this time, I found myself floating high up near the ceiling, watching the proceedings.

On waking up I laughed and the doctors wondered what or why I was laughing. I did not say....

It worked and my jaw is fine, albeit creaky at times.

These days, everytime I sit in a dentist/hospital chair, I prefer sending my self to a tropical island.🌴🌴🌴

My second experience is a very strange affair.

Bue & red supermoon 19th August 2024.

 This would certainly affect anyone born around the 19th August or February. Also, in a positive way, anyone born around the 19th of these months: April, June, October and December and more of a challenge for those born in May or November.

And also anyone with a natal plnet or part at 27 degrees of those signs
This was taken approx 2 hours after the New Moon (which was below the horizon at the time).
Yippee no clouds!