Involuntary Reiki. Help yourself and everyone else.
Maybe you put in that extra hour at work but don't claim it or perhaps you work for free?
In my opinion that does not help anyone. In fact I feel it hinders the community.
Employers are getting your services for nothing. All those hours add up. It puts other people out of work with employers benefiting from your devaluation.
So you may have plenty of money available to you in order to do voluntary work but others are in need of you not volunteering.
Think about whether the unemployed are more in need than those (employers/charities etc) you believe to be helping?
Lack of value here is the key.
Usui (originator of Reiki) decided to charge for healing as no one who had the freebie benefited. Those that paid, fared much better.
There was an exchange of energies. His efforts for your hard earned cash. You earned the money but putting in the effort - your energy. The money being a token of that energy. Everything and everyone needs to be valued. This is usually demonstrated by money. (Could be a pot of jam - as long as it is something you have put energy into).
My suggestion to help the community and the country as a whole is that employers need to pay you. In doing so there may be an element of tax, national insurance etc. And, if you already have money to spare - give it straight back to the charity of your choice.
This helps not only yourself by giving you empowerment so you do not feel undervalued (even subconsciously) but all by means of your financial contributions.
I am of course not relating this to single acts of kindness or devotion to family and friends (who return favours and love), just those institutions that can and should IMO pay. Nor am I relating to those new to the workplace who feel the need to do a short period of work experience for their CV so they can become gainfully employed.
Update 29/02/12
It was heartening to hear that some companies have recently ceased to offer long term unpaid work experience ....they must have read this or felt the same energies around them and do not wish to be party to slave labour..
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