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Monday, January 21, 2008

History Repeats Itself - As Always

Based on the wheel of fate turning and that history that keeps repeating itself, together with my very limited knowledge of what’s been before…. Here’s a very silly prediction for the future of complementary Therapy in the UK – as I can’t give the timescale but it’s happened before so why not again?

With Regulation approaching fast if it is at all implemented after all the arguments, there will be some kind of catastrophe that puts us all back in the Middle Ages and we have to start looking after ourselves rather than paying out money for our health. Thus Regulation falls once more.

In the 1600s the medical profession took offence that people such as Culpepper and Hanneman wanted the lay people to help themselves. ‘Witches’ were killed off in this battle for power.
Last Century’s example is Eunice Ingham. She shared her techniques with other therapists. She also first used the term ‘reflexology’. She was in Court many times defending the principle of self-healing opposing the medical establishment. Her last appearance in court was in 1972. She died in 1974. She was a very spirited woman indeed.
In the UK Aromatherapy developed here, why not in its home in France? - Not so much regulation!

So, with the establishment’s reaction to loosing out on business here comes more regulation….In my opinion this may stifle the development of therapies. It is all ready regulated anyway with professional associations (My ego with its professional pride is pleased to say) and the reductionalistic/robotic National Occupational Standards which appears to be at odds with the concept of holism and intuition but hey ho. (Please correct me if I am wrong but they are a lot to read through).

As with any business it’s the bottom line that counts and I suspect these changes have all to do with that and little else. Money and power. (The perpendicular circle at work).

Why is a catastrophe needed to put the power back to the people? Does that work any better? Who knows?

Catastrophes are nature’s way of the planet re-balancing itself. I have no idea of what it could be; climate change or the city finally blowing it all in the UK’s biggest casino perhaps. In my opinion, Complementary therapy may well go underground – just as trees that are cut down put out shoots. It’s a natural survival mechanism. Who on earth can regulate the natural healing power of touch…and the desire of folk to do so?

And then Regulation starts all over again…the wheel of fate moves on.

Keeps us busy I suppose.

PS -In spite of the city crashing today I wrote this a few days ago... I believe it is just the start of things.


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