Chill with Gill

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Cardinal grand cross coming up on 22nd April 2014 oh err

There is a cardinal grand cross coming up on 22nd April 2014
Aries - Uranus 13 degrees
Cancer - Jupiter 13 degrees
Libra - Mars (retrograde and in detriment) 13 degrees
Capricorn - Pluto 13 degrees

You may have already noticed the pressure forming - especially around the lunar eclipse on Tuesday 15th April.

I will be interesting to see what happens around the world on that day or what follows from there.

All I can say is, if your birthday is around the 6th of April/July/October/January, you had better watch out. Motivation will be a bit off centre. IE Surprise! what you want is not necessarily what you will get.
Why not plan to have a chilled out day (or week) instead?

To add to this is the peak of the Lyrids meteor shower. (source: Elfin diary 2014)!




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