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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The dark side of Scorpio and the Tarot King of Cups

As it is the solstice, the year's darkest day, this is a reflection of the 'Psychopath' TV programme on last week channel 4.
In my sun sign guide for therapists, I noted that Scorpio's likely talent is psychiatry -  either side of the table.

Scorpio is a water sign and is "fixed" opposed to mutable of cardinal.
Solid water is ice, they can have a cold heart - unaffected by emotions. Of course, the human Scorpio will have a mass of other qualities that may counter this attribute. They are not all bad!

The tarot card I associate with Scorpio is The King (fixed on his throne) of Cups (the element of water).

It is here we find the psychopaths.

The TV programme revealed the most likely profession of psychopaths, Coming second on the list was law but the top most profession was banking.

This is not surprising as banking rules the 8th house, the house of Scorpio. (other's money, other's emotions).

The programme continued to say that these people often displayed signs of self aggrandisement. This to me is more Leo-like and fifth house.  In tarot terms this is the King of Wands. But they also said the bankers like the thrill of gambling which is a fifth house/Leo matter.

So if you have a lot of Scorpio and Leo (or 8th and 5th house) influences in your chart - go into banking!


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