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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Solstice Salutations and Great Elemental Marvels to all

The Solstice is always special but extra special this year. 21st Dec 2020 10.02 GMT

It occurs alongside the “Great Mutation” – an ominous astrological event that will shape our lives for some 200 years when the next big change occurs.

I doubt very much that approx. 180 years ago, the previous Great Mutation occurred with other awesome astrological events such as the Solstice. (I am just guessing so I must check this).

What is it?

Every 20 years or so, the solar systems’ big guys, Saturn and Jupiter get together and form a conjunction. For the last 180  years this has always been in an Earth sign (with a brief hint of things to come in the early 1980s).  And now the conjunctions will form in Air signs starting off with Aquarius.

A few key words for Aquarius: Humanity Intellectual Innovative Science

A key word or two for Jupiter – expansion and optimism, and

Saturn who rules both Capricorn and Aquarius: consolidation and realism

 Saturn in Capricorn and the previous earthly conjunctions have all focussed on material things like money and commerce, the industrial age.

Saturn moving into its other house changes all that. Well there is going to be some knocking down walls and massive refurbishment and remodelling going on here. All in a constructive albeit nit-picking way.

Together, they make the NEW AGE a realistic opportunity for everyone on this planet as we realise we are all connected, not just with each other but with the world around us. (We’ve all had a kick start to that that this year!).

New Age = New Normal

I hope we have time and technology to save the planet from global warming;

I hope for the scientific breakthroughs (Recent and those to come) to help everyone;

I hope yet that there will be a re-balancing of wealth gaps giving everyone a fair and equal chance. We are all worth it!

When there is something good going on, there are always somethings that attempt to spoil things. (That’s Saturn showing us where we need put it right EG Fake news, greed, the need for power etc.)

No doubt there will be struggles here and there. (Pluto is squared by Mars)

But REF No secrets in the new age

While I am optimistic and excited about the New Age, one final point:

All the above is based on western astrology, I wonder what the other astrological systems make of this? Can anyone out there help?


Wow... even the ascendant is Aquarius!

My thanks go to the New Scientist podcast about the rise of interplanetary interconnectedness  (very Aquarian!)


And  especially to Hans Baker for his inspirational article about the Great Mutation featured in the Astro Moon Diary 2020








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