Chill with Gill

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Shhh solstice - time to lighten up

On the run up to Christmas I conversed with several people (who I don't know) grumbling about the commercialisation of Christmas as I did my shopping. Without prompt each individual commented that they preferred the Solistice. I said 'me too'. I was surprised how many 'ordinary' people seem to cherish that very seasonal day.

Just don't tell the marketeers or we will find that all plasticised, hyped up and starting from the autumn equinox.

How the Solstice is calculated? (from Elfin Dairy):
The earliest sunset was on the 12th December 2009 and the latest sunrise was on 31st. Between them lies the solstice. 21/12/09. This marks the start of winter.
So the mornings got darker and darker until the end of December. It's only now that days are becoming brighter.


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