Chill with Gill

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Spooky October Has Arrived – Really?

Of course I was going to write about Halloween this month but I wondered why the 31st October was the chosen day?

The dates of many traditional festivals held during the year are set by the Sun and Moon. So should Halloween be half way between the autumn equinox and the winter Solstice?

With the equinox being on 22nd September and the Solstice on 21st December, that would make this year’s Halloween fall on the 5th November and probably the same or very nearly the same date for most years.

What other dates fall between solstices and equinoxes?

Spring equinox 21st April and summer solstice 21st June = May 5th

Perhaps that was the original “May day”.

Summer solstice and autumn equinox = August 5th or thereabouts.

Winter solstice and spring equinox = February 5th or thereabouts.

Hmm… these dates vaguely equate to the days of pagan festivals but being at the previous month’s end rather than the fifth, very vaguely indeed. Perhaps some clever people can answer this query on the “cross-quarter “days as they are known?
I'm baffled


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